The Cumberland Cook Book 1895

BACKBONE PIE -- Take the small end of the backbone, cut in pieces three or four inches long; wash well and boil in water until done.  Have ready a nice pastry; line a baking dish with some of the pastry; lay the bones into this dish with some of the water in which they were boiled.  Season to taste with salt and pepper, adding butter and a few pieces of pastry dropped here and there in the pie.  Cover the top of the dish with pastry; place in stove; bake nice and brown.  This is a great Southern dish, and delicious when nicely prepared. -- Mrs. Theo Hamlin


EGG NEST ON TOAST --  Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, spread on slices of nicely browned toast, that is well buttered.  Leave a small place in the center of the slice that has no egg on it, and carefully put the yolk in it; sprinkle with pepper and salt, and put in the stove until the whites of eggs are a little brown.  Send to table hot.  A nice breakfast dish. -- Mrs. Volney James


CELERY SOUP --  One head of celery, one pint of water, one pint of milk, one tablespoon of chopped onion, one tablespoon of butter, one tablespoon of flour, one-half teaspoon of salt, and one saltspoon of white pepper.  Wash ans scrape celery, cut into one-half-inch pieces, put it into one pint of boiling salt water, and cook till solft; mash in the water in which it was boiled.  Cook onion in milk for ten minutes, in granite iron vessel, then add to the celery, rub all through a sieve and put on to boil again.  Cook butter and flour together and gradually add the soup.  Add salt and pepper.  Boil five minutes and serve at once.  -- Mrs. James S. Pilcher.



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