Assembly Meetings, Officers & Minutes


Birthplace Shrine

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Collection Development


Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America



Heritage Churches

Historical Library & Archives


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Publications and Prints for Sale

Resources for Denomination Day



Stated Clerks


Youth Organizations

 Historical Foundation

of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America 



2024 Denomination Day Bulletin Insert


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8207 Traditional Place
Cordova, Tennessee 38016

FAX 901-272-3913


Research Hours By Appointment


Susan Knight Gore
Director and Archivist

Missy Rose
Archival Assistant

As the official repository of historical materials for the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America , the Historical Library and Archives of the General Assemblies holds in trust for these denominations much of their recorded history.

It is the responsibility of the Historical Library and Archives  to house, preserve, protect, and maintain the records of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches so that present and future church members, administrators, historians, and other researchers may have access to them.

Whenever possible, the Historical Library and Archives of the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches shall ascribe to the Code of Ethics for Archivists as formulated by the Society of American Archivists.

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