William James Gregory

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1820 - 1909

Rev. William James Gregory and his wife, Millie

Photograph courtesy of Michael Geiger


By Rev. W. P. Kloster.

Few lives attain to such nobility of character as that of Brother Gregory. He was a man of simple manner and plain speech, yet possessed of rare dignity and gentlemanly grace. His long, flowing beard, and silvery locks, made him a striking figure among men. His voice was music, and every word and act was prompted by a heart full of love. The kind deeds of his life; the good words spoken; the excellent sermons delivered; the earnest prayers offered; the sacrifices made, are recorded in many a human heart. Oh! what shall be the harvest of this consecrated life? Truly may it be said: he 'rests from his labors, and his works do follow him."

Brother Gregory was born in Wilson County, Kentucky [sic: Tennessee], November 29, 120 [sic: 1820], and on November 28, 1839, he married Miss Willie [according to his great great granddaughter her name was Millicent and they called her Millie] Grundy, who survives him. He came to Texas in October, 1852, and settled near Chico, in Wise County.

He professed religion while young, at the first protracted meeting he ever attended, which was held by Revs. Hugh Reid and Granville Monksfield. He at once joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. At the age of twenty he entered the ministry, in which he labored for over sixty years, during which time thousands were led to Christ through his efforts. Though his opportunities were meager, yet by dint of application, he made of himself a fine scholar, and he was able to handle any question that came to him. A Bible scholar, a pulpit orator, a theologian of first rank. Truly, he was a "workman that needeth not to be ashamed"--A life, to whose history we can point with pardonable pride.

He was appointed by Trinity Synod to the first moderatorship of Gregory Presbytery, which was so named in his honor, and was organized at Cottonwood, Tex., March 22, 1883. He preached the opening sermon from 2 Timothy 4: 2.

The Union scheme had no attraction for him. He never faltered during that unhappy struggle, but remained steadfast and loyal to his convictions, his Church and his God. He loved to repeat: "I am a Cumberland till I die."

Sad, so sad, that so beautiful a life should have so tragic an end. He and Sister Gregory were asleep in their peaceful home when the house caught on fire, and it is supposed he got confused in the smoke, and also his eyesight being bad, he perished in the flames. But one consolation, his life work was of indestructible material, for he built upon the "Sure Foundation," with the pure "Gold" of Righteousness, and the "Precious Stones" of gospel truth.

[Source: Our Senior Soldiers: The Biographies and Autobiographies of Eighty Cumberland Presbyterian Preachers. Compiled by The Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Publication. The Assistance of Revs. J. L. Price and W. P. Kloster is Greatfully Acknowledged. Nashville, Tenn.: The Cumberland Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1915, pages 147-148]

In 1876 Rev. W. J. Gregory, who had been a pioneer preacher in Denton County, again sought the frontier and purchased a farm in the northwestern part of Wise County, near Chico, to which he moved. Here he resumed his church work, organized the first church in the village of Chico, and was its pastor for thirteen years. His ministry was extended westward into Jack County, also.

It has been said that perhaps no life in Northwest Texas surpassed in the extent and effectiveness of its labors that of Rev. W. J. Gregory. He was born in Nelson County, Kentucky, November 29, 1820, and on November 28, 1839, was married to Miss Millie Grundy. At the age of eighteen he was converted and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and was immediately impressed with a call to the ministry. Though his opportunities for securing an education were limited, as his father had died when he was about two years of age, through hard study he acquired a good practical education and became a strong preacher and a profound theologian. He came to Texas in 1852 and located first in Grayson County, moving later to Cooke and Denton Counties where he engaged regularly in church work until he moved to Wise County and planted the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in that part of the country. He remained there until his death which occurred when his home caught fire and he was entrapped in the flames.
[Source: Campbell, Thomas H. History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Texas. Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1936, pages 129-130]


Prior to 1869 incomplete directories or none in General Assembly Minutes.

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1869, page 80]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1870, page 75]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1871, page 76]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1872, page 121]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1873, page 98]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1874, page 97]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
Commissioner to General Assembly in Jefferson, Texas
Served on the Committee on the Records of Ohio Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1875, pages 7, 9 & 77]

Gregory, W. J., Louisville, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1876, page 87]

Gregory, W. J., Decatur, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1877, page 82]

Gregory, W. J., Decatur, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1878, page 90]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1879, page 86]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Trinity Synod
Commissioner to General Assembly in Evansville, Indiana
Served on the Committee on the Minutes of White River Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1880, pages 6, 10 & 112]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1881, page 84]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Guthrie Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1882, page 114]

No report from newly organized Gregory Presbytery this year.

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1884, page 112]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1885, page 127]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1886, page 156]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1887, page 153]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Trinity Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1888, page 165]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1889, page 174]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor Chico Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Chico, Texas
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor Union Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Alvord, Texas)
Pastor - Zion Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Alvord, Texas)
Commissioner to General Assembly in Union City, Tennessee
Served on Committee on the Minutes of Oregon Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, pages 7, 10, 120 & 242]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor - Howard's Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Degress, Texas)
Pastor Union Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Alvord, Texas)
Pastor - Zion Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Chico, Texas)
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1891, pages 135 & 258-260]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor - Flat Rock Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Decatur, Texas)
Pastor - Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Alvord, Texas)
Pastor - Zion Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Chico, Texas)
Commissioner to General Assembly in Memphis, Tennessee
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1892, pages 7, 142 & 272]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor - Flat Rock Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Decatur, Texas)
Pastor - Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Alvord, Texas)
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1893, pages 144 & 270]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor - Flat Rock Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Pastor - Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Pastor - Zion Valley Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Chico, Texas)
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1894, pages 159 & 282]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1895, pages 165 & 292]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Crafton Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Crafton, Texas
Pastor - Cundiff Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Cundiff, Texas
Pastor - Flat Rock Cumberland Presbyterian Church
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1896, pages 152 & 260]

Gregory, W. J., (charge) Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Pastor - Cundiff Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Cundiff, Texas
Pastor - Flatrock Cumberland Presbyterian Church (session clerk lived in Decatur, Texas)
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1897, pages 223 & 272]

Gregory, W. J., without charge - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1898, page 286]

Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
Commissioner to General Assembly in Denver, Colorado

[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1899, pages 13 & 191a]

Gregory, W. J., without charge - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1900, page 205a]

Gregory, W. J., without charge - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1901, page 263a]

Gregory, W. J., retired - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1902, page 217a]

Gregory, W. J., retired - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1903, page 204a]

Gregory, W. J., retired - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1904, page 184a]

Gregory, W. J., retired - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1905, page 163a]

Gregory, W. J., retired - Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, page 152a]

Gregory, W. J.- Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1907, page 24b]

Gregory, W. J.- Chico, Texas
Minister - Gregory Presbytery - Texas Synod
[Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1908, page 15b]

Ministers Lost By Death
Name and Postoffice: Gregory, W. J., Chico, Texas
Presbytery: Gregory
Date: Feb. 7, 1909
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1909, page 7b]

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Updated August 11, 2009