For a gift of $100 or more to the endowments of the Historical Foundation, you, or a family member, or friend designated by you will receive a patron certificate. The patron's name will be inscribed on the Roll of Patrons of the Historical Foundation and, when the contribution is made in behalf of another, a letter will be sent indicating the person who has bestowed the honor. Unless designated for a specific endowment, such contributions will be added to the corpus of the Historical Foundation Trust.
Along with the physical symbols described above, you and your family member or friend will have the satisfaction which comes from knowing that your gift provides a continuing basis of support for the work of the Historical Foundation. Beginning with its receipt and continuing down through the years, your gift will provide income to copy precious photographs and original manuscripts, to purchase equipment and books, to pay for the recording of oral history, and to provide for publications dealing with the history of the people called Cumberland Presbyterians.
If you would like to add your name or the names of a family member or friend to the roll of Patrons of the Historical Foundation, just send the information requested below and mail it with your gift to:
If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail the archives.
Name as it is to appear on the Certificate
Name and address to which the certificate is to be mailed
If you are bestowing this gift in behalf of another, please give the name and address to which the letter indicating your gift should be addressed if different from the address given above.
Enclose your check made payable to the Historical Foundation.
Include your name and address.
Other special instructions.