
and Leader's Materials

Relating to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Adult Quarterly

Adult Teacher

Advanced Quarterly

Bible Lesson Pictures

Bible Lesson Stories for Beginners

Bible Memory Work for Crusaders

Bible Stories for Beginniers

Bible Study: A Monthly Magazine for Sunday School Teachers and Bible Students

Bible Study: Sunday School Monthly for Teachers, Officers, Bible Students, and Other Workers


Crusader Yearbook for Leaders of Children (1952/1953-

Cumberland Crusader

Cumberland Pearl, The

Cumberland Presbyterian Lesson Leaf, The

Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Fellowship Program Guide (1956/1957-1958/1959)

Cumberland Visitor

Cumberland Youth Fellowship Program Guide (1954/1955-


For Adult Leaders of Youth Only (1974-1981)

Frontiers for Juniors

Gem, The: An Illustrated Paper for Boys and Girls

Gem Lesson-Leaf, The

Home Department Quarterly

Intermediate Quarterly

Intermediate Quarterly (1907-1950)

Intermediate Teacher

Intermediate-Senior Quarterly (1909-    )

Junior High-Senior High Quarterly (October 1955-September 1961)

Junior Quarterly

Junior Teacher

Lesson Leaf

Lesson Leaf with Worship for the Sunday School, The (Winter 1961-Summer 1964)

Local Young People's Program Guide (1951/1952-1953/1954)

Missionary Gem

Monthly Topic Leaflet

My Baby and Its Church (1946-    )

My Church

New Gem, The

Our Bible Lesson Cards

Our Lambs

Our Little Children

PYF Program Guide (1951/1952-1953/1954)

Pack-O-Programs: Crusader Fellowship


Pioneer & Senior Quarterly (October 1952-September 1955)

Pioneer Quarterly (1951-September 1952)

Presbyterial Youth Fellowship Program Guide (1954/1955-1957/1958)

Primary and Junior Teachers' Quarterly

Primary Quarterly (1907-19??)

Primary Teacher


Rays of Light

S. S. Work

Sabbath School Gem

Senior and Young People's Quarterly

Senior Quarterly

Steering Wheel, The

Sunday Morning

Sunday School Comments

Sunday School Gem

Sunday-School Lesson-Leaf

Sunday School Missionary Gem

Sunday School Work

Teachers' Quarterly

Twigs, The (October 1957-September 1964)

Young People and Young Adult Quarterly

Young People's Guide, The

Yearbook for Leaders of the Children of the Church (1964/1965-1967/1968)

Young Adult Worker (July/August/September 1951-July/August/September 1961)

Young People's Quarterly

Please Send Additions/Corrections to the Archives

Updated 12 October 2018