Pine Grove

Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America
Highway 840
Henderson, Rusk County, Texas


Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in the late 1800's. The first services were held in a log cabin.

The land was bought from the J. M. Little family. No deed was made at that time, but in 1896 a member of the J. M. Little family moved into the log cabin, unaware that the land had been sold to the trustees of Pine Grove. On September 19, 1896 the land was deeded to the Elders of Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Elders at that time were Pete Neal, John Young, George Moore, and Cal Genn.

The church was nestled midst walnut trees, hickory nut trees, dogwood trees and pine trees. The grove of pine trees were more prevalent, thus the church got its name Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

From 1896 to the present time two (2) churches have been built, plus the present one.

The church has been served by eight (8) pastors including Rev. H. V. Hill who is presently pastoring. The pastors are as follows:

Rev. Zack Adams, Rev. J. E. Dixon, Rev. J. P. Hampton, Rev. Luther Lacy, Rev. Lewis McGee, Rev. Felix Hill, Rev. G. E. Session and Rev. H. V. Hill.

Rev. Joel P. Rice has been the stated supply pastor since February 1993.
[Sources: Brochure - "Dedication Service, Sunday, September 15, 1985, Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church" and Kay Ward Creer]

A Church's Story

Located eight miles south east of Henderson on Farm to Market Road 840 (known also as the Brachfield Highway) is Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

The Church building is nestled amidst Walnut trees, Hickory Nut trees, Dogwood trees, and Pine trees. Groves of Pine trees are more prevalent and thusly caused the Church to have its name, Pine Grove.

The Pine Grove Church is thought to have been organized in the late 1800s, and presently sits on a tract of land purchased in September 1896.

Pastors who were known to have served Pine Grove are as follows: Rev. Zack Adams, Rev. J. E. Dixon, Rev. J. Hampton, Rev. Lewis McGee, Rev. Luther Lacy, Rev. F. Hill, Rev. G. E. Sessions, and the present pastor Rev. H. V. Hill, who has served for thirty three years.

This Church is actively involved in many activities. Spring and Summer plans include Men's day-Sunday, April 23, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. Mother's and Daughter's Banquet-May 13, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. Mother's Day services May 14, 1978. Appreciation Services for pastor and wife-May 28, 1978, 2:30 P.M. Revival services July 30-Aug. 4, 1978.

The pastor and members extend an open invitation to all to attend any or all of these services. You are also invited to attend Sunday School and worship services each Sunday.

The INFORMER acknowledges its gratefulness to Rev. Harvey Hill and Mrs. Pearline Ward for their helpful assistance in the preparation of this week's "A Church Story."

H. V. Hill Fellowship Hall Dedication

On March 17, 2002 the Pastor, officers and members of the Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, Henderson, Texas, dedicated the new H. V. Hill Fellowship Hall.

Rev. Hill pastored the Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America forty-eight years. He was ordained in 1944 and was called to pastor Pine Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America the same year. He pastored from 1944 until his death in December of 1992.

Under his leadership the present church was built in 1985. At that time the old church building was remodeled and used for classrooms and a fellowship hall. The Note Burning Ceremony for the new church was held on October 5, 1997 under the pastorate of Rev. Joel Rice.

After much prayer, the officers and members were led to add a fellowship hall to the existing church. Construction began in December of 2001 and was completed in February of 2002. The officers and members were blessed to have this addition with no indebtedness to the church.

The dedication service was performed by Pastor Joel P. Rice, Elders Thomas Ward and Eva Adams.

On Sunday April 21, 2002 the hanging of a picture of Rev. H. V. Hill and the hanging of a plaque by his family officially marked the naming and dedication of the fellowship hall. Family members participating were Mrs. Alma Hill, his wife, daughters, Pearlene Ward and Clara Childers, son, J. B. Hill and grandchildren.

Items on Deposit in the Historical Library and Archives

Board of Missions. Minutes. Original volume. 1932 - 1935
Also contains some Sunday School minutes.

Board of Missions. Minutes. Original volume. 1945 - 1953.

Women's Missionary Society. Minutes. Original volume. 1951 - 1955.

Women's Circle Club. Minutes. Original volume. 1954.
Also contains: Women's Board of Missions. Minutes. 1959.

Women's Board of Missions. Minutes. Original volume. 1958 - 1960.

Please Send Additions/Corrections to the Archives

Page Last Updated on February 24, 2004