Charter Members taken in 1908
Mr. E. P. Earhart, Sr., Mrs. E. P. Earhart, Mr. H. C. Ferguson, Mr. R. A. Rankin, Mrs. J. A. Rankin, Mr. W. R. Buchanan and Mrs. W. R. BuchananFirst Building 1908-1928
Corner of Tenth Street and Avenue O
-- At the close of Sweetwater Presbytery, Rev. B. H. Baker held
a three days meeting for us at this place. There were no conversions,
but there was excellent interest and the prospect was good for
an excellent revival. But Brother Baker was called away, and the
meeting closed. Brother Baker organized a church here and one
in the country southwest of here, and we are now arranging for
a minister to supply the four recently organized churches, one
at Lubbock, one southwest of Lubbock at Block 20 school house,
one at Tahoka and one at Union school house, near the Lubbock
county line. While we are few in numbers we have a will to work
to rebuild the temple.--H. C. Ferguson.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Banner, September 25, 1908,
page 9]
Amarillo Presbytery
Chillicothe, Texas -
October 17, 1908
The following congregations
were rec'd. enrolled and their delegates seated
Bro. E. P Earheart
Block 20, No delegate
Chappel, No delegate
[Source: Minutes
of Amarillo Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
October 17, 1908, pages 12-13]
The Lubbock Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized August 9th, 1908, in the home of Brother and Sister E. P. Earheart, Sr., by B. H. Baker and assisted by Rev. C. W. C. Norwood, the charter members being: Mr. E. P. Earhart, Sr., Mrs. E. P. Earhart, Mr. H. C. Ferguson, Mr. R. A. Rankin, Mrs. J. A. Rankin, Mr. W. R. Buchanan and Mrs. W. R. Buchanan.
Rev. J. L. Elliott served the church as the first active pastor, preaching in the homes or wherever a place could be secured, preaching two Sundays each month.
In 1909 plans were made to erect a house of worship which was completed in September, 1909, and on September 5th the first service was held in the new church. Rev. Elliott served the church for five years during which time the church made substantial progress.
On August 1, 1913, Rev. G. O. Hubbard was called to the pastorate and was its much loved pastor for one and one half years, after which he died and passed to his reward in April, 1915.
Rev. L. H. Davis was called to the pastorate June, 1915, and served the church very satisfactorily for two years, the church making commendable progress under his ministry.
In November, 1917, Rev. A. A. Collins was called to the pastorate and served until the year 1921 and in the meantime did some good constructive work and endeared himself to the church in many ways.
In November, 1921, Rev. J. F. Baker was called to the pastorate and served until his death, October, 1923. The Church enlarged its building and made much progress under his pastorate.
In November, 1923, Rev. J. A. Rodgers was chosen pastor and served until September, 1925. During his pastorate the church and Sunday School grew until it was decided to build a new church and the present basement was built under his ministry.
On September 9th, 1925, Rev. K. I. Ingram became pastor and served until 1927 and in the meantime made many friends and was known as a preacher of the Word.
In July, 1927, the present pastor [Rev. O. N. Baucom] was called to the work and took charge September 5th, 1927. Some progress has been made in the building of a new church. The church is well organized and each department doing good work. There has been 50 members added to the church in the past two years and at the present time has about 175 on church roll.
[Source:"1929 Year Book and Directory." Lubbock Cumberland Presbyterian Church, page 9]
The Lubbock, Texas, First church celebrated its fiftieth
anniversary August 10. A program commemorating fifty years of
service and the dedication of the new youth building were held.
Rev. Loyce S. Estes is pastor.
The Cumberland Presbyterian, September 23, 1958, page 4]
On August 9, 1908, a meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Earhart in Lubbock, Texas, for the purpose of organizing the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
In the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Constitution, Page 91 of the Confession of Faith, Item IV reads: A particular Church consists of a number of professing Christians voluntarily associated together for divine worship and godly living, agreeably to the Holy Scriptures, and submitting to a certain form of Government.
Its officers are the minister in charge, the ruling elders, and the deacons. Its jurisdiction is lodged in the Church-Session, composed of the minister in charge and ruling elders.
In the organization of a Church, the first step is to receive testimonials on behalf of such of the applicants as are members of the Church, if there be any; and then to admit upon a profession of faith in Christ such candidates as on examination, may be found qualified. These persons, in the next place, be required to enter into covenant by answering testimonials were accentuated by signing a specific, written document given below:
"We the undersigned members of Cumberland Presbyterian
Church do hereby agree to unite ourselves into a congregation
for the purpose of uniting our efforts and our prayers as well
as our means to perpetuate the doctrine of our holy religion which
are the true principals of the Christian religion."
by: H. A. (Judge) Ferguson; E. P. Earhart; Mrs. E. P. Earhart;
Nannie Buchanan; J. A. Rankin; Mrs. R. A. Rankin.
The Rev. Mr. Houghton Baker, organizing minister, asked the following questions of the congregation, Page 92 of the Confession of Faith:
Do you, in reliance on God for strength, solemnly promise and covenant that you will walk together as an organized church on the principles and of the Government of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; that you will support the gospel as God has prospered you, and that you will study the purity and harmony of the whole body?
After the affirmative answer from the people, the presiding minister, Rev. Baker, said: "I now pronounce that you are constituted a Church according to the Word of God and the principles of the Government of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, subject to the approval of the Presbytery. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Amen.
The first member received after organizing on that day of August 9, 1908, was Mr. W. R. Buchanan, upon profession of faith in Jesus Christ and baptized by Rev. H. Baker. Elders elected were: E. P. Earhart, R. A. Rankin, H. A. Ferguson, W. R. Buchanan. H. A. Ferguson was elected Clerk of the Session. R. A. Rankin and E. P. Earhart were elected trustees of the Church.
The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. H. Baker. The Rev. Mr. C. W. C. Norwood also participated in the organization and the congregation was received into Amarillo Presbytery, October 16, 1908.
Therefore, some 300 miles to the west of Ft. Worth and Dallas & 3,000 ft. higher one reaches the awe-inspiring Caprock Country of the South Plains of Texas and truly a magnificent land of rich soil and a variety of industry.
Lubbock, Texas is known far and wide as the Hub City of these plains. People from neighboring towns and hamlets for hundreds of miles around come to Lubbock to trade. Lubbock is a growing city of a population of 200,000, plus, including the greater Lubbock area.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Church has been a part of the growth and development of the city since 1908.
Lubbock was incorporated and chartered in 1909.
Great families of faith and courage have walked with God through many trials and tribulations in order to maintain the high and noble Christian spirit for the cause of Christ in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We are humbled by the known sacrifices of all those who have passed this way before us and have left the imprint of their integrity upon this community.
Ministers and the years they served the Church as pastor are:
J. L. Elliot 1908-1914
George O. Hubbert 1914-1915
(died that year)
L. H. Davis 1915-1917
B. Elwood 1917 (interim)
A. A. Collins 1918-1921
(Father of Gladys Collins Groom)
J. Fred Baker
J. A. Rogers 1923-1925
I. Ingram 1925-1927
O. N. Baucom 1927-1933
(Father of Anna M. Baucom Brown)
E. L. Conyers
E. M. Jennings 1934-1940 (Father of Cecil
Jennings; husband of Mrs. Gladys Jennings)
Durbin 1940-1942
Brown Welch 1942-1953 (Brother-in-law
of Clara Young)
Loyce S. Estes 1953-1959 (Father
of George Ernest Estes; Brother of Sam Estes)
Womack 1959-1962
Sam R. Estes, Jr. 1962-1986
George R. Estes 1986-
From the organization date of August 9, 1908 to 1920, the congregation
grew from seven to 183 communicants.
From 1921
through 1961, 539 members were received.
From 1962
through 1982, 698 members have been received; 126 professions
of faith and baptism in Christ Jesus; 156 babies baptized.
Our current membership is 669. Churches, like businesses, suffer
losses as well as gains.
85 members have ascended
to their eternal place.
Many members have been
transferred out of the church by businesses. There is a constant
turnover in a growing situation, but Cumberland has continued
these many years to be an influence in the City of Lubbock and
to its many families.
[Source: "Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Lubbock Texas, August 8, 1908-1988"]
1929 Year Book and Directory
1954 Yearbook
1974 Church Directory
1981 Yearbook
1977 Yearbook
1984 Yearbook
The Fiftieth Anniversary of the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, Texas, August 10, 1958. Commemorating Fifty Years of Service and The Dedication Of The New Youth Building 1908-1958.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Lubbock, Texas. August 8, 1908 - 1988.