Unified Committee

on Theology and

Social Concerns

of the

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

and the

Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America





Members of the Committee

Jay Earheart-Brown

Virginia Espinoza

Robert Greenwell

Robert Heflin

Lynne Herring

Readus Linton

Steve Mosley

Scott Sealy

Linda Snelling

Mary Thompson

David Tullock

Theodore Wallace

Kathy Wood-Dobbins

 The Unified Committee is an agency of the General Assemblies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches and is charged with the responsibility to conduct theological and ethical reflection on matters of importance to the churches and their mission in the cultures and societies in which they serve. The Unified Committee was created by action of the two General Assemblies in 1999.

The Committee meets semiannually, and produces study papers and resources for the General Assembly and its agencies, and for the use of particular churches and members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The Committee is willing to provide resources for Presbyterial Committees on Theology and Social Concerns, local congregations, and other interested groups, as time allows.

Eight members of the Committee are elected by each General Assembly to three-year terms. Members may be reelected twice, and can serve no more than nine years.



2002 Report to General Assemblies

2001 Report to General Assemblies



Theological and Biblical Reflection on Women in Ministry

The Call of God in Historical and Theological Perspective

Biblical Reflections on “The Call”

On the Sanctity of Persons

Study Guide on the Use of Language




This site is currently under construction. If you have commments or suggestions, send e-mail to Jay Earheart-Brown at: jebrown@mtscampus.edu.