Wish List

Denominational leaders are compiling a wish list and inviting congregations, women's ministries, men's fellowships and individuals to adopt a project. Check often to see a list of needs at your denominational headquarters. Call 901.276.4572 and ask for the contact person listed.

Current needs:

  1. Counter-top microwave oven. Energy efficient. Heavy-duty. Contact Megan Warren.

  2. Pro Bono annual lawn maintenance contract. Contact Mike Sharpe.

  3. Maple tree (1) to replace one destroyed by storms (approximate cost: $500). Contact Mike Sharpe.

  4. Gift cards from Lowe’s and/or Home Depot to purchase of hardware and supplies for intermittent repairs and/or seasonal plants for the Denominational Center. Contact Mike Sharpe.

  5. Youth conferences have a significant impact in the lives and spiritual development of young people. The Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference and Presbyterian Youth Triennium will provide opportunities for youth and adult workers with youth to have such experiences. It is our hope to enable youth from the church globally to participate and share in these experiences. Since these events are held in the USA, youth from other countries often do not have the same opportunity or adequate resources to attend. No young person should be prevented from attending a denominational event because of distance and cost. Therefore, the Ministry Council is pleased to invite you to partner with us in supporting at least 2 youth from our non-USA presbyteries to attend CPYC and PYT. Pooling our resources together we can make a difference, providing for travel and registration costs.

    Some of you have met, sponsored or even hosted our global partners in the past and you know first-hand of the significance of this ministry. Not only are relationships established and these young people’s concept of church expanded, but youth in the USA experience a culture and tradition quite different and unique. The exchange and interaction that occurs is priceless. Please consider giving to this ministry.?

    • The registration fee of the Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference is approx. $325.00 per participant.
    • The registration fee of Presbyterian Youth Triennium is approx. $425 per participant.

    Travel costs will vary depending on location and distance. We are joining together in an effort to bring young people to the USA to attend these events and share cross culturally in a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    Financial support is one means of sharing in this ministry. Another is serving as host to one or more of these young people who outside the USA.

    If you, your congregation or presbytery are able to assist, please consider fulfilling a portion of this wish. Checks may be made payable to Cumberland Presbyterian Church and noted “International Youth Participant” in the memo section and sent to: CPC, Wish List/International Youth 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016.

    Your prayerful consideration is greatly appreciated.

  6. The Discipleship Ministry Team needs volunteers to help ship the Encounter curriculum standing orders each quarter. Volunteers can give from 1 hour to 1 week of their time, 1 quarter or every quarter of the year. The time ranges are tentatively (according to printing schedules) from:
    • April 1 to April 8, 2011
    • July 1 to July 8, 2011
    • October 3 to October 10, 2011
    • January 6 to January 13, 2012
    The tasks required are counting out books to fill orders, boxing orders and/or creating labels and postage for each package. If you are interested, please contact Matt Gore at mhg@cumberland.org, 901.276.4572, ext. 252 or 256. Thank you.

Updated 17 February 2011 15:20CT Webmaster