Job Posting for the Office of the Stated Clerk

The Reverend Robert D. Rush, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, has announced his intention to retire later this year. There are two plus years remaining on his term, thus the person to be nominated will be filling an unexpired term. According to the Bylaws of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church General Assembly Corporation, "if the Stated Clerk has vacated the office, resigned, or declined to be re-nominated, then the Ministry Council shall conduct a search for and nominate a candidate to the General Assembly...Further nominations may be made by the Commissioners. The Commissioners shall elect the Stated Clerk by majority vote."

The Ministry Council named the following members to the Search Committee: Richard Hughes (Synod of Southeast), Rickey Page (Tennessee Synod), Toni Prosser (Synod of Great Rivers), Roy Shanks (Synod of Midwest), and Elizabeth Horsley (Mission Synod).

The Search Committee is accepting applications for the position of Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. The Ministry Council anticipates presenting a nominee to General Assembly in June, 2010. The Job Description for the position of State Clerk is available here. Application forms may be downloaded here, and completed forms must be received no later than close-of-business on Wednesday, March 31, 2010. Applicants must submit three letters of recommendation and a current resume. Applications are to be sent to the attention of Richard Hughes at or P. O. Box 777, Huntsville, AL 35804.

The detailed duties of the Stated Clark can be found in the Bylaws of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church General Assembly Corporation, 2009 General Assembly Minutes, Article 8 Item 8.04 Duties.

In 2007, General Assembly adopted a no nepotism policy in regards to future hiring practices. Nepotism is defined as "nuclear family members of existing denominational employees".

Employment Application for Position of Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Job Description for the Office of the Stated Clerk

The person filling the position of Stated Clerk serves as the Chief Executive Office of the General Assembly, and in that capacity serves as President and Treasurer of the General Assembly Corporation. Focusing on the spiritual life of the Church is a priority. The Stated Clerk is guided by the Constitution, Rules of Discipline, Rules of Order, Bylaws of the General Assembly Corporation, and any other directives given by the General Assembly.

The successful applicant must:

Updated 24 February 2010 22:31 Webmaster