CP Logo Cross - Black and White 169x183The New Cumberland Presbyterian Logo

The 176th General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, approved a logo for the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. It closely resembles a traditional Celtic cross, long associated with Presbyterian and Reformed denominations. Close examination, however, reveals the cross to be composed of four persons, their arms interlocked. For a full and detailed explanation of the logo, click here (PDF format).

Many of the graphics are reduced for display on this web page. Suggested uses can be found under the graphic. Other graphics will be added as time permits and as requested.

To Download any of the logo graphics below, right click on the image and select "save image." Then select a location on your hard drive where you will be able to find the graphic. Finally, click on save.

Print: Large Logo Cross with text.
JPEG format (1584 x 1223)
Print: Large Logo Cross with text. JPEG format (1584 x 1223)
Use this graphic for print applications.
Web Image: CP Logo Cross Oval.
Transparent GIF format (200 x 212)
CP Logo for Websites 200 x 212
Use this graphic on your web site.
Web Image: CP Logo Cross
with Text - Oval.
 Transparent GIF format (200 x 200)
Small logo cross with text 200 x 200
Use this graphic on your web site.
Print: Tall CP Logo Cross with Text.
Bitmap format (890 x 1422)

CP Logo Cross - Tall 890 x 1422
Use this graphic for print applications.
Print: Large Logo Cross with text.
Bitmat format (1445 x 1080)

Print: Large Logo Cross with text. JPEG format (1584 x 1223)

Use this graphic for print applications.
This is the highest quality graphic offered
in this style on this web site.
Web Image: Large CP Logo Cross
with text - Oval. Transparent GIF
format (643 x 644)

CP Logo for Websites 200 x 212

Use this graphic on your web site.
Web Image: CP Logo Cross Small
black & white. JPEG format
(169 x 183)

CP Logo Cross - Black and White 169x183

Use this graphic on your web site.

Updated 18 August 2006