Pastoral Letter Addressed to Cumberland Presbyterians by the Seventh-sixth General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. At Decatur, Ill., May 24, 1906. "Appointed to be Read in the Churches."
"Bulletin of the Voluntary Committee on Union Information".
Numbers 1-8.
Bulletin No. 1. Reasons Why The
Cumberland Presbyterian Church and The Presbyterian Church in
the United States of America Should Be United. [39 pages]
Bulletin No. 2. Reply To Protest. [19 pages]
Bulletin No. 3. A Significant Correspondence.
[15 pages]
Bulletin No. 4. Concurring Opinions
of Lawyers in Twelve States. [23 pages]
No. 5. Separation of the Races. [11 pages]
No. 6. What We Adopt. A Reply to Rev. M. M. Smith. By J.
S. Grider D.D. [8 pages]
Bulletin No. 7. Legality
of Union. [39 pages]
Bulletin No. 8. Union
of The Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church,
U. S. A. [34 pages]
The Legality of Union, II. Separation of the Races, III. Doctrinal
Agreement, IV. Twenty Reasons for Union.
Stephens, John Vant. The Organic Union of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Lane Seminary Building, 1943.