Texas Presbytery

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

1836 - 1913

1836 - Constituted by Mississippi Synod

1837 - November 27, 1837 - first meeting

1842 - Red River Presbytery and Colorado Presbytery formed from Texas Presbytery

1843 - Became part of newly formed Texas Synod

1854 - White Rock Presbytery formed from part of Texas Presbytery and Red River Presbytery

1901 - Trinity Presbytery added to Texas Presbytery

1907 - Bacon Presbytery added to Texas Presbytery

1913 - Consolidated with Greenville Presbytery, taking name Greenville-Texas Presbytery

In pursuance of a resolution of Mississippi Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in session at Jackson, Mississippi, Nov. 14th A.D. 1836.
"Resolved, that so soon as there may be three or more ministers in the Province of Texas, that they organize themselves into a Presbytery--Rev. Sumner Bacon to be their first Moderator and their bounds to include the whole Province."
Wm. H. Wilkins, Mod.
H. H. Hill, Clk.

List of Meetings
Minutes in the Archives


November 27, 1837 - house of Sumner Bacon - San Augustine County, Texas
Moderator: Rev. Sumner Bacon
Stated Clerk: Rev. Mitchell Smith
have minutes on microfilm

1837 - 1907
have microfilm in archives

December 11-13, 1902 - Nacogdoches, Texas
Moderator: E. M. Newton
Stated Clerk: Rev. W. S. Neel
1 printed minute in archives

February 5, 1903 - Mt. Selman, Texas
Moderator: W. F. Murchison
printed minutes not in archives

December 10-13, 1903 - Percilla, Texas
Moderator: C. W. Rettig
Stated Clerk: Rev. F. M. Ewing
1 printed minute in archives

March 17, 1904 [called meeting] - Maple Grove Church
synopsis of meeting included in minutes of December 7-10, 1904

July 6, 1904 - Mt. Hope Congregation
Moderator: Rev. J. G. Braly
Stated Clerk & Treasurer: Rev. S. A. McPherson
synopsis of meeting included in minutes of December 7-10, 1904

December 7-10, 1904 - Bagley's Chapel
Moderator: Rev. J. D. Potts
Stated Clerk & Treasurer: Rev. S. A. McPherson
2 printed minutes in archives

July 6-7, 1905 - New Knoxville church, Bell School House - Cherokee County, Texas
Moderator: Rev. S. Park
Stated Clerk & Treasurer: Rev. S. A. McPherson
3 printed minutes in archives [also contains December 5-7, 1905]

December 5-7, 1905 - Nacogdoches church - Nacogdoches, Texas
Moderator: Rev. J. A. Hornbeak
Stated Clerk & Treasurer: Rev. S. A. McPherson
3 printed minutes in archives [also contains July 6-7, 1905]

have original manuscript minute book


Please Send Additions/Corrections to the Archives

Updated 14 January 2025