Elyton Presbytery

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

1831 - 1884

We Need Minutes

1831 Elyton Presbytery formed by Columbia Synod

1832 Became part of newly formed Mississippi Synod

1836 Became part of newly formed Union Synod

1867 Became part of Alabama Synod (name changed from Union Synod)

1880 Springville Presbytery formed from part of Elyton Presbytery

1884 United with Alabama Presbytery, taking name Alabama Presbytery

September 17-18, 1880 - Green Pond Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Bibb County, Alabama
Moderator - Elder J. P. Allen
Stated Clerk - Rev. D. Y. Wyatt
Member present--Ministers, D. Y. Wyatt, John Caldwell, S. S. Oglesby, S. G. Oglesby, J. A. Hayes, and J. H. B. Hall.
Absent--E. Acton and F. J. Tyler.
Absent at discretion--W. H. Meredith, D.D.
Licentiates present--J. T. Oglesby. Absent--None.
Candidates present--None. Absent--None.
Congregations represented--
Bold Spring, J. H. Lee
Rocky Ridge, T. M. Acton
New Hope, John Acton
Harmony, N. Lee
Spring Creek, A. C. Ingram
Montevallo, E. M. Carleton
Six Mile, J. P. Allen
Pleasant Grove, J. P. Taylor
Friendship, E. Callahan
Green Pond, W. M. Shackleford
Union, Wilson Strickland
Rock Bluff, E. T. Hayes
Bethel, W. M. Shelton
Hopewell, F. H. Massy
Congregations not represented--Henry Ewing, and Pleasant Hill.
[1 printed minute in archives]

February 12, 1881 - Harmony Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Shelby County, Alabama

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Updated February 10, 2009