Clarksville Presbytery

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

1899 - 1962

Minutes Needed !!!

Please contact the archives if you have any copies or know where any are located.

Formed from Charlotte and Lebanon presbyteries in reorganization of Tennessee Synod

Merged with Nashville Presbytery in reorganization of Tennessee Synod

Our Holdings

Microfilm from Presbyterian Historical Society

1899 - 1907 (printed)


Organizational Meeting
December 12-13, 1899 - Clarksville Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Clarksville, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. A. H. Manly
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

March 13-16, 1900 - Waverly Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Waverly, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. J. F. Lackey
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

October 2-4, 1990 - Charlotte Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. E. L. McWilliams
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Photocopy of printed minutes

March 1901 - Springfield Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Springfield, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. A. R. Brown
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

October 22-24, 1901 - Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Shiloh, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. J. M. Webb
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

March 18-20, 1902 - Erin Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Erin, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. H. M. Gardner
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

October 14, 1902 - Bowen's Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Humphreys County, Tennessee
Moderator: J. E. Tubb
No Minutes

March 17-19, 1903 - Clarksville Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Clarksville, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. J. G. House
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

June 18, 1903 [called meeting] - Clarksville Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Clarksville, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. V. B. Costellow
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains October 6-8, 1903]

October 6-8, 1903 - Cross Plains Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Cross Plains, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. R. H. Craig
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains June 18, 1903]

October 20, 1903 [called meeting] - Clarksville Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Clarksville, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. R. H. Craig
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains March 15-17, 1904]

March 15-17, 1904 - Dickson Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Dickson, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. V. B. Costellow
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains October 20, 1903]

September 20-22, 1904 - Wells Creek Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Houston County, Tennessee
Moderator: W. T. Pollard
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

March 21-23, 1905 - Waverly Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Waverly, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. George L. Johnson
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm

October 10-13, 1905 - Mt. View Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Stewart County, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. A. H. Manly
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains March 13-15, 1906]

March 13-15, 1906 - M. F. Pepper Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Springfield, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. R. F. Adair
Stated Clerk and Treasurer: W. T. Atkinson
Printed minutes on microfilm [also contains October 10-13, 1905]

October 2, 1906 - Bethany Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Houston County, Tennessee

March 10-11, 1908 - Mt. Liberty Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Dickson County, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. J. J. Rye
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young

October 9-12, 1908 - Union Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Humphreys County, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. A. H. Sykes
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young

Marach 9-11, 1909 - Vanleer Cumberland Presbyterian Church -
Moderator: J. M. Nesbitt
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young



September 13-15, 1910 - McAdoo Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Burns, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. V. B. Costello
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young
1 photocopy of printed minutes in archives

Resolution offered by Elder I. T. Crockett in regard to erecting monument on spot where McAdoo house stands was read and on motion made a special order for 2:00 o'clock. The resolution is as follows:

Be it Resolved the the Clarksville Presbytery, That the Moderator appoint a committee to erect a granite monument about 25 inches square and 3 or 4 feet long with suitable inscription to mark the place where the house of Samuel McAdoo stood at the time our beloved church was born into the world of the spirit of God, and the Presbytery pay the expenses of the same.
This Sept. 15th, 1910.          I. T. Crockett.

As special order for this hour the resolution offered by Elder I. N. Crockett in regard to marking spot where McAdoo house stood was taken up. Motion by Rev. R. J. McCaslin that resolution be changed from limestone to granite, and that the matter be referred to a committee of three and report at spring meeting.

Moderator appointed the following Committee to investigate cost of erecting monument at birth place: J. E. Powers, J. W. Hunt and A. H. Sykes.

[Source: Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Sept. 15, 1910, pages 12-13, 16]

March 21-23, 1911 - Clarksville Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Clarksville, Tennessee
Moderator: W. H. Rice
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young

Rev. J. E. Powers, Chairman of special committee to ascertain the price of suitable monument to be erected at birth place of church, made a verbal report stating that the cost of a monument would be from $75.00 to $125.00, but recommended instead the building of a school on spot where church was was founded, and presented the following resolution:

To the Moderator and Members of Clarksville Presbytery:

This is to represent to you that the members and friends of the McAdoo Memorial congregation at birth place of the denomination have secured a charter and are raising money for a school at that place and in that matter they ask your good will and kindly offices.

We further represent that in locating buildings for that purpose they may or may not need to touch upon the lands or make some use at least temporarily of the property of that congregation, and they ask your permission to do that only in a right way.

We further represent to you that the congregation at that place are not especially desirous to have a marble memorial shaft which has been proposed for that place erected, but would prefer this proposed school to stand instead of that, and if it might be so, that the money which it was been intended to use for the shaft be turned to the use of the school.

Motion by Rev. W. H. McLeskey that the report and resolution be referred to a special committee. Carried.

Special Committee on Resolution in regard to school at birthplace of Church was read and on motion adopted:

We, the Special Committee which you appoointed to consider the memorial presented to you by the corporation now proposing to establish a school at the birth place, would recommend that this Presbytery grant their request in extending to them our good will and wishes, and trust that they may be abundantly successful; and as to the use of a part of our grounds there that this matter be left to the Trustees of the property.
W. H. McLeskey.
V. B. Costello.
E. G. Collier.


October 10-12, 1911 - Shiloh Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Shiloh, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. W. F. Broom
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young

Commission on Church Propertry made report . . . The following resolution was passed in regard to the building of school at birth place:

Whereas there is a proposed school to be established at the birth place, be it

Resolved, That said school building be recognized as a memorial insteadf of the stone which was proposed to you at a former meeting, and we assure those brethren of our kindly feelings and best wishes in their enterprise.
W. H. McLeskey.


March 26-28, 1912 - Locust Grove Cumberland Presbyterian Church -
Moderator: Rev. J. E. Powers
Stated Clerk: W. B. Young

Fall Meeting - Mariah Cumberland Presbyterian Church -
Moderator: D. E. Cooley

March 25-27, 1913 - Bowen's Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church -
Moderator: Rev. T. H. Padgett (resigned)
Moderator: I. T. Crockett
Stated Clerk: E. T. Alward
Stated Clerk Pro Tem: W. E. Campbell

October 7-9, 1913 - Ebenezer Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Stewart County, Tennessee
Moderator: Rev. H. L. Potter
Stated Clerk: E. T. Alward
Stated Clerk Pro Tem: Rev. H. H. Binkley

March 10-12, 1914 - Dickson Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Dickson, Tennessee
Moderator: W. B. Young
Stated Clerk: E. T. Alward

Fall Meeting -
Moderator: Rev. F. P. Arterburn
Stated Clerk: E. T. Alward

March 16-17, 1915 - McEwen Cumberland Presbyterian Church - McEwen, Tennessee
Moderator: W. W. Riggins
Stated Clerk: E. T. Alward

to be continued

Please Send Additions/Corrections to the Archives

Updated 15 November 2022