Cornelius "Neal" Anderson Yates

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1858 - 1932

Cornelius Anderson Yates & Eliza Elizabeth Morefield Yates

Student at Bethel College - C. A. Yates - Graves County, Ky.
[Source: Bethel College Catalogue 1891-92, page 8]

Yates, C. A., McKenzie, Tenn.
Candidate - Mayfield Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1892, page 146]

"Committee on Literature on Theology. That the name of Licentiate C. A. Yates be dropped from the roll without prejudice and that he be commended for his sincerity and honesty of purpose."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 8, 1902, page 21]

"An opportunity was given for any one who might wish to do so to converse with Presbytery regarding an eternal call to the work of the Holy Ministry. Whereupon, Sister Ethel Rudolph, of Oakland congregation, Bro. C. A. Yates, of Rozzell's Chapel, and Bro. S. P. Tucker, of Milburn's Chapel, presented themselves. By motion and second Sister Rudolph and Bro. Tucker were received as candidates for the ministry, and Bro. Yates was reinstated as a Licentiate, as he had at one time been such in this Presbytery."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 12, 1908, page 6]

"Committee on Pastorates and Supplies. Since the Spring meeting of Presbytery we have received the following petitions, viz: One from Rozzell's Chapel asking for the services of Licentiate C. A. Yates for six months, one-fourth time, salary not stated."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 9-11, 1909, page 14]

"The hour of the special order having arrived, as arranged for, to-wit, the ordination of Bros. French, Crass, Yates and Callahan. The sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Edwards, taking for his text, Exodus, 4:12. Following the sermon, the ordination prayer was led by the Rev. J. V. King, Rev. W. S. Wright, presiding, and delivered the charge, setting a part to the whole work of the gospel ministry, Bros. M. F. French, James M. Crass, C. A. Yates and Foster H. Callahan, Rev. M. D. Jones leading the prayer, which closed the ordination service."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 10, 1910, page 20]

Committee on Mortuary
Since the last meeting of the Assembly the following brethren have passed from the walks of life: C. A. Yates
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1932, page 107]


On the night of March 15, 1932, death made a visit in Mayfield Presbytery, of Kentucky Synod, and took from its roll of ordained ministers, Rev. C. A. Yates, age 74 years and 8 days.

Bro. Yates was born March 7, 1858. Most of his life was spent in Graves County, near Mayfield, Ky. Bro. Yates died at his home in Paducah, Ky., where he had lived for the last three years. He leaves to mourn his death, his wife, Mrs. Bettie Yates; 10 children, four daughters and six sons; one brother and two half brothers.

The funeral was conducted by the writer, at Rozzell's Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church, near Mayfield, Ky. His body was laid to rest in the church cemetery, while his spirit had taken its flight to glory.

Bro. Yates was a long time member of Mayfield Presbytery, and was always found to be faithful in attending its meetings and was always willing to take a hand in any part of the meeting, that his brethren called upon him to take.

Bro. Yates had been in ill health about eight or ten months, but he bore his afflictions very patiently as he awaited the call of God, to come home to glory where Christ had prepared a mansion for him.
                                  Licentiate R. T. Mitchell,
                  Paducah, Ky.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 12, 1932, page 14]

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Updated July 13, 2007