Caleb Weedin

1799 - 1864

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

Candidate: 12 September 1820 - McGee Presbytery
Licensed: 12 September 1821 - McGee Presbytery
Ordained: 9 May 1823 - McGee Presbytery
Letter Granted: 11 April 1829 - McGee Presbytery
Received: October 8, 1829 - Logan Presbytery

Caleb Weeden became a candidate for the ministry at the Sept. 12, 1820 meeting of the McGee Presbytery held in Cooper Co. He was licensed Sept. 12, 1821 and ordained May 9, 1823. He was dismissed on Apr. 11, 1829. Judge Ewing states: "Caleb Weeden spent several years of his early ministry in Missouri. I have seen him at [New] Lebanon often when he was a young man; but he removed to Kentucky, and spent the maturer years of his ministry in that State. He was a tall, spare, dignified man in his appearance, but the writer has no distinct recollection of his style of preaching. He acquired a fine reputation in central Kentucky; and was largely useful in his day."

[Source: History of New Lebanon Cooper County Missouri. By Eugene Allen Cordry. Fort Worth, Texas: VKM Publishing Company, 1976, page 46]

Weedin Family Information

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Updated April 14, 2008