Francis C. Usher

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister


Rev. F. C. Usher, died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. E. T. Barnett, Christian Co., Ky.

Bro. Usher was born July 17th, 1808. Professed religion when he was sixteen years of age. Graduated at Cumberland College, joined the Anderson Presbytery, was licensed, and after having exercised himself in discharging the duties of his sacred calling for a short time, he went to Princeton, New Jersey, where he completed his Theological education. And on returning home was chosen to and accepted a professorship in Cumberland College, where he remained several years zealously employed for the interests of the church. For some years late, he has been engaged in teaching in the town of McLemoresville, Tennessee, until quite recently. Although in quite feeble health he left home to attend the meeting of the Gen. Assembly, held at Clarksville, Tennessee. But after having arrived there, his strength had so far failed that he was unable to attend its meeting, and having been taken from thence in a carriage to his sister's he died, after an illness of a few days, and although absent from his own home, and the companion of his love, was permitted to end his life under the same paternal roof where he commenced it, and to share the attnetion of an affectionate sister and kind friends, and more than all to give unto his aged mother, who lent on his pillow to watch the waaning of lifes feeble spark, a manifestation of the faithfulness of God to those who early entrust their offspring to his care, and by this verification of his divine promise to strengthen her aged heart in embrasing this sacred truth, "train up a child in the way it should go and it will not depart from it."

Bro. Usher died as he had lived, maintaining the dignity of a christian, leaving behind and [sic] affectionate wife and three children, to mourn his unexpected departure. They shall be lonely when they meet around their desolated hearth, but may they remember that their "loss is his infinite gain," and that althought the fire of his crucible is gone out, and he has lain by his retort and receiver, and dismissed all his earthly interests forever, he has gone to immortality in the presence of his God.

[Source: Banner of Peace, July 26, 1850, page 3]

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