Samuel Billingsly Rudolph

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1869 - 1955


"On motion an opportunity was offered to any who desired to converse with the Presbytery concerning a call to the ministry. Then came Brothers F. E. Chamber, S. B. Rudolph and W. S. Winstead and accepted the opportunity offered and after hearing them and satisfactory examination touching them call to preach said applicants retired by request, and the Presbytery after consultation on motion accepted said applicants as candidates for the ministry and they were then called in and notified of this acceptance, and requested to prepare each a discourse to be read to this Presbytery at its next regular meeting on texts to be given them by the Moderator."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1891, page 240]

"After which the Presbytery proceeded to license Elmus Rudolph, Samuel Rudolph, Daniel Fooks and W. T. Chiles. Rev. J. D. Kirkpatrick propounded to them the usual questions."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1893, page 325]

"The recommendation of the Committee on Literature and Theology follow:
That, while licentiate S. B. Rudolph has passed a satisfactory examination on the Home Course of Study, he be continued as a probationer and urged to enter college."
"The recommendations of the committee in regard to Licentiates D. W. Fooks, S. B. Rudolph and Elmus Rudolph were overruled and the Presbytery voted to ordain them, the hour of 8 p.m. being set as the time. Rev. E. R. Overby was appointed to preach the sermon and Rev. Mark Bell to given the charge."
"The time for the ordination service having arrived, Rev. E. R. Overby preached the ordination sermon and Rev. Mark Bell delivered the charge, after which, by the laying on of hands, S. B. Rudolph, Elmus Rudolph and D. W. Fooks were set apart to the whole work of the ministry."
[Source: Minutes of Mayfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 15, pages 6, 7 & 8]

Rev. S. B. Rudolph, Route 8, Paducah, Kentucky, a member of Mayfield Presbytery, passed away July 22. He was 86 years of age and leaves a wife, two sons and two daughters. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Courtney Fooks at the Oakland Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, August 16, 1955, page 4]

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Updated October 25, 2012