James Franklin Price

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1853 - 1937


Rev. James F. Price was born September 8, 1853, in Crittenden county, Kentucky. At the age of fourteen he professed religion and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. When seventeen he was made a ruling elder. In 1877 he became a candidate for the ministry under the care of Princeton Presbytery. Two years afterward he was licensed to preach, and eighteen months later he was set apart to the whole work of the ministry. During the twenty-five years of his ministry he has served in all eight congregations as pastor. He has superintended the erection of seven church buildings in Princeton Presbytery. He has represented the Presbytery in the General Assembly five times. He is now a member of the Sunday School and Young People's Board.

His contributions to papers and periodicals have chiefly been on the line of Sunday school work. His first published work was "A Sweet Life," published in 1891. His next work was, "Sanctification; or, Is the Second-Blessing Theory Correct?" published in 1893. His "Tabular Life of Christ" was published in 1900. His last work is a brochure on baptism, "Baptism in a Nut-Shell," published in 1903. He has some other works in preparation, one now ready for publication--"The True Christian Life."
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, December 3, 1903, page 712]


Price, James Franklin. A Sweet Life. 1891. [no copy in archives]

Price, James Franklin. Baptism In a Nut Shell. Marion, Kentucky: By the author, 1903. [1 copy in archives]

Price, James Franklin. Sanctification; Is the Holiness Theory Correct?, 1893. [1 copy in archives]

Price, James Franklin. Studies In Regard to the Holy Spirit. Marion, Kentucky. [no copy in archives]

Price, James Franklin. Tabular Life of Christ: The Principal Events in the Life of Christ, as Recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Presented in Tabular Form in Chronological Order, and Classified. Nashville, Tennessee: Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, 1900. [no copy in archives]

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Updated May 7, 2008