[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1889, pages 22 & 167]
Keene and Miller.--Passed by Oregon Presbytery April 13, 1889: Whereas, God in his good, though to us mysterious, providence, has since the last session of this presbytery removed by death two of our beloved brethren, namely, the Revs. D. M. Keene and S. T. Miller; therefore be it
Resolved, 1. That this presbytery bow in humble and obedient subjection to the will and pleasure of the great Head and King of the church, recognizing that he who alone has the right to call and send forth laborers into his great white harvest field, has a right to call them from labor to reward at his own good pleasure.
2. That in the death of these two brethren, the presbytery has sustained a very great loss, not only in their wise and friendly counsels as presbyters, but our loss will be deeply felt in that we shall no more hear their voices from Zion's walls, nor have the sweet comfort of their brotherly associations in the walks of life.
3. That this presbytery tender its hearty sympathy to the bereaved families and friends of the deceased.
4. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to each of
the bereaved families of these dear brethren, that a copy be sent
for publication, and that this preamble and resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of presbytery, and that a memorial page be set
apart to the memory of the deceased.
H. Small, Mod.
F. Moody, Cl'k.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 23, 1889, page 8]