Cornelius Gregory MacPherson

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1806 - 1899

An Aged and Honored Minister Dead.

The dispatches announce the death of Rev. C. G. MacPherson, at his home in Louisville, Ky., January 8. Mr. MacPherson was at one time well-known in our church for his eminent ability as a preacher, teacher and journalist. He was in his 93d year. His death was the result of the grip. The Associated Press dispatches say of him: "Mr. MacPherson was one of the most remarkable men in Louisville, where he had made his home since 1874. Though for many years he had not actively engaged in any ministerial work, he was deeply and actively interested in the affairs of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, being the oldest living minister of that body. Mr. MacPherson was born in Halifax County, North Carolina. Mr. MacPherson closed his career as a teacher at Memphis, where he owned and conducted the Memphis Female College for many years. Meanwhile, however, he had served as pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Huntsville, Ala., had been the assistant editor-in fact, the editor-of 'The Cumberland Presbyterian,:' published at Nashville, and had done various other literary work besides preaching regularly. It throws a strong side light on his character to say that he preached to the convicts in the Nashville penitentiary, and that his ministerial offices were constantly sought by those outside the pale of any church."

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 12, 1899, page 36]

-The funeral services of the late Rev. Dr. C. G. MacPherson, Louisville, Ky., were conducted January 10 in the Oak Street Cumberland Presbyterian Church of that city, Rev. Drs. S. M. Hamilton and Chas. R. Hemphill assisting the pastor, Rev. U.W. MacMillan. Dr. MacPherson was 92 years of age, probably at his death the oldest Cumberland Presbyterian minister. We have been promised a history of his life and labors.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 2, 1899, page 144]

[Source: Lawyers and Lawmakers of Kentucky, by H. Levin, editor. Published by Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1897.]

ERNEST MACPHERSON, of Louisville, was born in Lexington, Missouri, on the 10th of October, 1852, a son of Rev. C. G. and Maria E. (Gorin) Macpherson. The former a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church and a native of North Carolina, descended from Scotch ancestors, who came to American about the middle of the eighteenth century. The mother is a native of Kentucky and of Huguenot lineage. Mr. Macpherson, of this review, supplemented his early educational training by study in the West Tennessee College, of Jackson, Tennessee, where he was graduated with the degree of Master of Arts, and then entered the law department of Cumberland University, of Lebanon, Tennessee, completing the course and receiving the degree of Bachelor of Laws. Having been admitted to the bar, he began practice in Louisville in 1875. He acquired in the theoretical study of law a clear and correct conception of its principles and a just understanding of it as a science. Experience,
research and diligent labor have broadened the elementary knowledge into a comprehensive acquaintance with legal reasoning and its multiform application. With faculties logical, acute and thoroughly disciplined, great industry and a mind inquisitive of information of all kinds, he is exceptionally well-equipped for his profession; and he has always exhibited in his practice one valuable and uncommon intellectual quality, which is, perhaps, his most striking characteristic,--the capacity for earnest,
systematic and discriminating investigation of any subject on which he bestows attention. The zeal with which he has devoted his energies to his profession, the careful regard evinced for the interests of his clients, and an assiduous and unrelaxing attention to all the details of his cases, have brought him a large business and made him very successful in its conduct. His arguments have elicited warm commendation, not only from his associates at the bar, but also from the bench. He is a very able writer; his briefs always show wide research, careful thought, and the best and strongest reasons which can be urged for his contention, presented in cogent and logical form, and illustrated by a style unusually lucid and clear. Mr. Macpherson's integrity of character and many generous qualities, together with his remarkably kind and cordial address, have won for him not only respect but great personal popularity. He is a loyal friend, worthy citizen, and a man absolutely true in word, act and every social relation. Mr. Macpherson has been active in the militia service of the state, and has been called upon to do duty in the field, where he acquitted himself with credit to the state.

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Updated October 11, 2004