Hugh Bone Lansden

1804 - 1850

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

By resolution of Lebanon Presbytery, I send you the following for publication in the Banner of Peace.


DIED, at his residence, in Cannon co., Tenn., February 12th, 1850, of Dyspepsia, Rev. Hugh Bone Lansden, after a confinement of near thirteen months, in the forty-sixty year of his age.

The subject of this notice was born in the State of North Carolina, Oct. 30th, 1804; and during the progress of the great revival of 1800, his parents emigrated to Wilson county, in this (Tennessee) State. They were members of the Presbyterian Church, but were as called in those days, Revivalists; and on arriving in this country, joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

The father of bro. Lansden was a pious, exemplary man, ever showing a willingness to take an active part in social prayer-meetings as long as he lived.--Mother Lansden was the sister of our venerated old father, Hugh Bone; and in her whole course of life, showed herself worthy of so good a brother.--and as the result of the pious training of those sainted parents, of six sons, three have filled the office of the Holy Ministry, in the C.P. Church, with usefulness and honor to the Great Head,--while the other three have filled the office of ruling elders with equal dignity.

Bro. Lansden had all the advantages of a pious training while in youth, and early were his feet taught the way to the house of God. And at the same time, he was taught the deep depravity of the human heart, and the necessity of an application of the atoning merits of Christ to the cleansing of all guilt. The circumstances leading to his conviction and conversion were something like the following;--One Sabbath morning, while his father was engaged in family worship, (for he was a man that prayed in his house) in reading the 15th chapter of the gospel by Luke, particularly that portion of the chapter relating to the wanderings and return of the Prodigal Son, and though but a small boy, about the age of ten years, his youthful, but tender heart, became very much affected; and on rising from his knees, he retired to the secret grove, and there covenanted with God, that he would be, in his own language, a better boy.

From that hour, he said he made it a constant business to pray in secret twice a day until his conversion to God, which occurred on Monday morning, during the progress of a revival meeting at old Moriah Camp-ground, in the year 1822,--at which time and place, he joined the C. P. Church, & soon after was elected and ordained a ruling elder, which office he filled to the entire satisfaction of the flock over which the Holy Ghost had made him overseer. Oft he has been heard to speak with regard to the time of his conversion to God, and his language was, "that it was as clear as the sun shining on the earth." For a number of years, he felt "that a dispensation of the gospel was committed to him; but when he looked at the responsible station of the minister of the gospel, and his inability to fill so high and so solemn an office in the church of God, his heart shrunk therefrom, and cried, "who is sufficient for these things." Still he felt, "woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel." In the spring of 1840, at Statesville, Wilson county, he presented himself before the Lebanon Presbytery of the C. P. Church, and was received under her care as a candidate for the ministry. And in the fall of the same year, at Cedar Grove, Wilson county, the Presbytery being satisfied from a personal knowledge of his good moral character, and as to his aptness to teach, licensed him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Soon after his licensure, he took the field, and spent the greater portion of his time as a Missionary within the bounds of his own Presbytery, until the Spring of 1843, when he was set apart to the whole work of the ministry at McMinnville, Warren county, Tenn. But his labors stopped not here. He still continued his operations as a Missionary, though his health, by this time, had commenced declining. In the year 1843, he engaged to travel in Rutherford county as a Colporteur for the American Tract Society,--which station he filled with usefulness and efficiency until driven from the field of labor for the want of health. Notwithstanding his afflictions were protracted, he was never heard to murmur or complain at the dealing of Divine Providence, "reckoning that the sufferings of this present time were not worthy to be compared with the glory that should be revealed to him."--Being asked by the writer of this notice with regard to his prospects in eternity, in case it should be the will of his Master to call him hence, referring to the time of his conversion to God, he said, "that he had arranged that matter years ago; and that that covenant relation still remained the same;" yet, said he, "if the Lord has a work for me to do, I am still willing to remain until it be accomplished; but not my will, but his be done." The question was asked him a few days before his departure, by a good Baptist Minister, "if he was willing to meet a Christian world, with the unconverted at the bar of God, on the doctrines he had preached." His reply was, "I am willing, with all my heart." Again he was asked a few minutes before the ransomed spirit fled, "if he was waiting the bidding of his Master." He replied, "I am just waiting."--During his affliction his sky was clear, his hopes buoyant, his prospects bright, his sun declined in peace, and brought a pleasant night.

Thus lived and died our beloved Lansden. Truly, his death was that of the righteous, peaceful and tranquil. He left an affectionate wife, two lovely daughters, with a large circle of admiring friends, to mourn his loss. But they "sorrow not as those who have not hope," for he left them the rich legacy, that he died in peace, and rests with God.

In conclusion, permit us to remark, that brother Lansden would not have been ranked as the first order of talent in the Ministry, but he was a good preacher, plain and pointed, and in point of deeptoned piety and usefulness, he was surpassed by but few. May the Lord comfort the weeping widow, and his fatherless children, and sanctify this dispensation of his providence to the good of the Presbytery, of which he was so worthy a member.
April 10, 1850

[Source: Banner of Peace, and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, May 3, 1850, page 3]


DIED -- JANUARY 21, 1876, in Cannon County, Tennessee, Mrs. Anna Lansden, wife of the lamented Rev. Hugh B. Lansden, and the daughter of Robert and Sallie Marshall in the sixty-ninth year of her age.

Sister Lansden was born in Sumner County, Tennessee. Her parents moved to Cannon County when she was small. she professed faith in Christ at about fourteen years of age, and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in which she lived until death.

Sister Anna Lansden was indeed the companion of the Gospel minister. She was united in wedlock to Rev. Hugh B. Lansden, February 9, 1826, with whom she lived, labored, and assisted in his crosses and efforts as an humble messenger of Christ until he was called from labor to refreshment. She lived a widowed life from thence to her death, which was very sudden.

Sister Lansden was the mother of but two children, both daughters; one of whom married W. C. Donnell, an elder in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, both of whom long since passed over the river. One daughter is yet living who was married to Rev. Zechariah Smith, a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, who years ago fell from the walls of zion. Sister Lansden lived several years with her widowed daughter, with whom she died. She was in the organization of the Poplar Stand Congregation of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, where the village of Auburn now stands. This church was moved to what is now known as New Hope, in which she lived the life of the righteous, and died in prospect of Canaan. The writer frequently visited the old mother of Israel, and is satisfied that she had as clear views of the riches of grace as any person he ever saw.

Sister Lansden is gone, and leaves one widowed daughter, one granddaughter, and one little great grand-son who is a sprightly, promising boy, five years old. Her dying words to the little boy were, "Be a good boy, and meet me in heaven."
A. C. Tatum

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, March 23, 1867, page 8]

Lansden Family Information

Updated August 25, 2005

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