Ira, Lebanon, Tenn.
Licentiate - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, page
Ira, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
Board of Publication. Rev. Ira Landrith, Acting Manager,
Nashville, Tenn.
Report of Board of Publication
- "In August last the Board determined to establish at Kansas
City, Mo., a book depository and Western office for the business
and editorial work. We were urged to take this step by some of
the leading ministers and laymen of that section of the Church,
and it was believed that there was sufficient promise of good
in it to warrant the experiment. Rev. Ira Landrith, then
in the theological department of Cumberland University, was engaged
to make head-quarters at Kansas City, travel much of his time
in Texas, Arkansas, and the North-west, acting as an associate
editor of the Cumberland Presbyterian and agent for the
sale of books, and for extending the circulation of the periodicals
For the brief time that he continued in the work his services were eminently satisfactory. After about two months it became necessary, however, to call him to Nashville, when arrangements were made with Rev. Finis King to assume Mr. Landrith's duties, as far as practicable, in connection with the work of the Board of Church Erection. Brother King has been faithful in the discharge of his duties.
As is already known to you, Rev. W. J. Darby, D.D., was in
September last compelled by ill heath to retire from the active
duties of General Manager. The Board sympathize deeply with him
in his affliction, and can but feel that the loss of his valuable
services is a great misfortune. We, However, in this, as in all
things, would meekly bow to the will of God, and recognize the
fact that he can bring good out of what seem to be the direst
calamities. We sincerely hope that restored health may permit
an early resumption of his labors. His disability made it necessary
to recall Brother Landrith from Kansas City and impose
on him the duties of acting General Manager. His services as such
have been faithful and efficient.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1891, pages 2, 91 &137]
Ira, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1892, page
Ira, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1893, page
Ira, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1894, page
Ira, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1895, page
Ira, Stated Clerk, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister -
Lebanon Presbytery
Report of the Board of Publication for the Fiscal Year Ending
March 31, 1896
During the year J. M. Howard, D.D.,
tendered his resignation as editor of this periodical, and the
editorial work has been continued by Rev. Ira Landrith,
as managing editor, he securing the services of various persons
to conduct departments and and contribute other matter at stated
[Source: Minutes of the
General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1896,
pages 89 & 154]
Ira (charge and editor), STA. CLK., Nashville, Tenn.
- Lebanon Presbytery
Pastor - Addison Avenue Cumberland
Presbyterian Church - Nashville, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1897, pages 208 & 274]
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1898, page
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1899, page
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
Commissioner to General Assembly - Chattanooga, Tennessee
Served on Committee on Education
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1900, pages 13, 18 & 207a]
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
Executive Committee of Historical Society - Rev. Ira
Landrith, Librarian, Nashville, Tenn.
Commission - Rev. Ira Landrith, Nashville, Tenn.
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1901, pages 8 & 265a]
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
Executive Committee of Historical Society - Rev. Ira
Landrith, Librarian, Nashville, Tenn. (Term expires in 1903).
Educational Commission - Rev. Ira Landrith, Nashville,
Commissioner to General Assembly in Springfield,
[Source: Minutes of
the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1902, pages 8, 14 & 219a]
Ira, ed, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon Presbytery
Executive Committee of Historical Society - Rev. Ira
Landrith, Librarian, Nashville, Tenn. (Term expires in 1906)
Educational Commission - Rev. Ira Landrith, Nashville,
[Source: Minutes of the
General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1903,
pages 8 & 206a]
Ira Landrith, Editor of The Cumberland Presbyterian,
and noted platform man, delivered a much appreciated lecture on
the subject of "How to Write for the Paper." Full of
practical suggestions and mixed with sly humor, this address was
one of the best which the students have had this year.
[Source: The Phoenix. 1903. Yearbook of Cumberland
University, Lebanon, Tennessee, page 36]
Ira - Chicago
808 Association Building, 153 La
Salle St., Chicago, Ill.
Minister - Chicago Presbytery
Executive Committee of Historical Society - Rev. Ira
Landrith, Librarian, Chicago, Ill. (Term expires in 1906)
[Source: Minutes of the General
Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1904, pages
8, 180a & 209a]
University Lecturers
Ira Landrith, LL.D., General
Secretary Religious Education Association, Chicago, Ill.
[Source: The Phoenix. 1904. Yearbook of Cumberland
University, Lebanon, Tennessee, page 101]
Ira., teacher. Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon
Executive Committee of Historical Society
- Rev. Ira Landrith, Librarian, Nashville, Tenn. (Term expires
in 1908)
[Source: Minutes of
the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1905, pages 8 & 165a]
Ira., teacher. Nashville, Tenn.
Minister - Lebanon
Executive Committee of Historical Society
- Rev. Ira Landrith, Librarian, Nashville, Tenn. (Term expires
in 1908)
Commissioner to General Assembly in Decatur,
Moderator of General Assembly
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, pages 8, 14 & 153a]
The distinguished honor of presiding over the deliberations of the seventy-sixth and last General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church has fallen to Rev. Ira Landrith, LL.D., of Lebanon Presbytery, Synod of Tennessee. Few men in the entire church are so well known. First and last he has been seen and heard personally in every denominational center of any consequence. He has borne an active part in the progress of the church during the past fifteen years.
Dr. Landrith is a Texan by birth. Both his parents emigrated from Illinois to Texas along in the fifties. On his mother's side, he is closely related to the Groves family, which has furnished several ministers to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Texas, conspicuous among whom is the sole survivor, Rev. J. S. Groves, of Honey Grove, Texas. The Landriths were among the early settlers on the rich prairies of Ellis County, the family home being near the flourishing town of Milford. The big Texas farm was the little lad's kindergarten.
After suitable preparation for college at Tehuacana and elsewhere in his native state, young Landrith was drawn to our denominational Athens, Lebanon, where in due time he completed the A.B. course in Cumberland University, graduating with the class of 1888. After completing a course in law in the same institution and devoting a brief period to active practice at Hillsboro, Texas, long-cherished personal ambitions were surrendered, and, yielding to his impressions, he began preparation in the seminary of the church for the ministry. He was ordained at Nashville, where almost immediately, he accepted a responsible position in connection with the publishing work of the denomination. It was not long before he became associate editor of "The Cumberland Presbyterian," and in course of events the entire editorial responsibility was rolled upon him.
At the end of thirteen years' service on the church paper, Dr. Landrith relinquished journalism for educational work as General Secretary of the Religious Education Association. After a year's residence in Chicago, he returned to Nashville in response to a call to the regency of Belmont College, in which position he is having a noteworthy part in the education of the young women of the South.
For more than a decade, Dr. Landrith has been much in demand as a speaker in connection with educational, reform and religious conventions. The local, state and international gatherings held under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor have made heavy drafts upon his time, which he has always cheerfully honored. In the state and city of his adoption he has been one of the first among the leaders in the interests of civic righteousness. He is laboring purposefully in the aggressive anti-saloon movement in Tennessee and in the anti-gambling crusade in Nashville.
Dr. Landrith has been a potent factor in the negotiations and consummation of the union and reunion of the Cumberland Presbyterian and Presbyterian Churches, as a member of the committee representing the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and as the secretary of the volunteer committee having for its purpose the dissemination of information and the promotion of the great work upon which the church entered in 1903, now reaching a conclusion in the present General Assembly.
Dr. Landrith is one of the progressive, vigorous young men
of the church, keenly alert to the movements of the times and
ready for sacrifice and service in every good cause.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 24,
1906, pages 610-611]
Ministers Dismissed and Seceding to Other Denominations.
Landreth - Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod - Date: September
11, 1906.
[Source: Minutes of
the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1907, page 5b]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1908, pages 843 & 987]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1909, pages 846 & 985]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1910, pages 855 & 994]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1911, pages 851 & 992]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1912, pages 857 & 997]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1913, pages 857 & 1002]
Rev. Dr. Ira Landrith, clergyman, and president of Ward-Belmont, was born near Milford, Ellis county, Texas, March 23, 1865. His parents were Martin Luther and Mary M. (Groves) Landrith, of Scotch-Irish stock. During his youth he attained his education in the public schools, and then was a student in Trinity University of Texas, and later in the Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tennessee, where he was graduated in 1888. During the following year he continued a student at Lebanon and was graduated in the law department. The degrees conferred upon this well known Tennessee educator were B.S. in 1888, LL. B. in 1889, LL. D. in 1903 and D.D. in 1904.
Dr. Landrith has spent nearly all his career in educational
work, and has enjoyed numerous honors and distinctions in the
educational and religious world apart from his most satisfying
achievements as head of the two great woman's colleges which have
been recently consolidated largely through his own influence and
active efforts. He is an ordained minister of the Presbyterian
church in the U.S.A., and in 1903-04 was general secretary of
the Religious Education Association at Chicago. He was general
secretary of the Presbyterian Brotherhood of America in 1908-09
and was editorial secretary of the Presbyterian Brotherhood in
1909-1910. He was moderator of the last General Assembly of the
Cumberland Presbyterian church before its union with the Presbyterian
church. From 1890 to 1903 he was editor of the Cumberland Presbyterian.
In June, 1912, after eight years as president of Belmont College,
he resigned and became president of Ward Seminary. Dr. Landrith
was marred in 1890 to Miss Harriet G. Grannis. He is affiliated
with the Knights Templar in Masonry and with the Knights of Pythias.
[Source: Hale, Will T, and Dixon L.
Merritt. A History of Tennessee and Tennesseans: The Leaders
and Representative Men in Commerce, Industry and Modern Activities.
Volume V. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1913, pages 1495-1496]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1914, pages 861 & 1005]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Pres., Nashville, Tenn.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1915, pages 856 & 1002]
Ira Landrith is a Texan--big in body, big in mind--"a man of many inches, and every inch a man." For twenty-one years he has been Chairman of the Tennessee State Committee of the Y.M.C.A., and was President of the last International Convention. He was one of the founders of the Tennessee Anti-Saloon League, and has been a member of the State Executive Committee since the League's inception. He was Chairman of the Nashville Committee of One Hundred that at one time cleansed municipal politics in the city of Nashville. He has long been a member of the International Board of the United Society of Christian Endeavor. He was the first General Secretary of the National Religious Educational Association, and of the Presbyterian Brotherhood, and has held the highest office in the church, the Moderatorship of the General Assembly.
With Dr. Henry B. Grose he wrote the prohibition campaign slogan of the great Christian Endeavor movement at the Atlantic City Convention--"A Saloonless Nation by 1920, the three hundredth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrims."
He was for years editor of one of the important papers of his church and was until recently President of Ward-Belmont College.
Beginning at Peoria on the 30th of September, he participated in the Squadron campaign to its close at Atlantic City, on June 6th, and was leader of the Second Division from Evansville to Atlantic City. His work on the platform is tremendous. He was also closely associated with the Executive Committee in the management of the campaign.
Courageous, consecrated and militant, he wrought with the hand
of a master.
[Source: Frank Hanly
and Oliver Wayne Stewart, eds. Speeches of the Flying Squadron.
Indianapolis, Indiana: Hanly & Stewart distribution agents,
1915, page 197]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec. Boston, Mass.
Minister -
Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1916, pages 854 & 1003]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec. Boston, Mass.
Minister -
Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1917, pages 852 & 1002]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec. Chicago, Ill.
Minister -
Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1918, pages 861 & 1012]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec. Chicago, Ill. (address also listed as Concordia,
Minister - Presbytery of Nashville
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 1919,
pages 862 & 1012]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1920, pages 859 & 1011]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1921, pages 863 & 1019]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1922, pages 171 & 1006]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1923, pages 540 & 1073]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1924, pages 540 & 1073]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1925, pages 539 & 1070]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1926, pages 539 & 1071]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1927, pages 538 & 1071]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1928, pages 539 & 1066]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1929, pages 539 & 1053]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1930, pages 538 & 1054]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1931, pages 537 & 1047]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., 17 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1932, pages 637 & 1148]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1933, pages 766 & 971]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1934, pages 839 & 1043]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1935, pages 786 & 990]
Ira, D.D., LL.D., Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1936, pages 832 & 1033]
Ira, Sec., Winona Lake, Ind.
Minister - Presbytery
of Nashville
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United
States of America. 1937, page 784]
Ira, Sec., 14 Reinway Court, Pasadena, Calif.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1938, pages 783 & 984]
Ira, American Apartments, Pasadena, Calif.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1939, pages 787 & 988]
Ira, Honorably Retired, 1 Reinway Crt., Pasadena, Calif.
- Presbytery of Nashville
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
in the United States of America. 1940, pages 789 & 989]
Ira, Honorably Retired, 410 Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
Minister - Presbytery of Nashville
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 1941,
pages 888 & 1088]
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1942, page 1008]