David McConnell Johnston


Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

"David M. Johnson [sic] came forward and gave a relation of the experimental acquaintance with Christ and his internal call to the Gospel ministry and was received a candidate under the care of Pres. and was ordered to prepare a written discourse to be read to next stated session of Pres. from Romans 5 chapter and 1 verse."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 22, 1856, Pommedeterre Campground, Polk County, Missouri]

Candidate present - D.M. Johnston
"At the Hickory Barren School house Green Co. Mo. on the 28th day of February 1857, the Pres. of Springfield having received testimonials in favor of Anderson D. Delzell, and David M. Johnston, of their good moral character, of their being in the communion of the Church proceeded to take the usual parts of trial for their licensure, and they having given satisfaction as to their aptness to teach, as to their experimental acquaintance with religion, as to their internal call to the ministry and as to their proficiency in Divinity, the Pres. did and do hereby express their approbation of all those parts of trial, and they having adopted the Confession of Faith of this Church, and satisfactorially answered the questions qppointed to be put to candidates, to be licensed, the pres. did and do hereby licence them the said Anderson D. Delzell and David M. Johnston to preach the gospel of Christ as probationers for the Holy ministry within the bounds of this Pres. or, wherever God in his providence may cast their lot."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1857, Hickory Barren School House - Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate present - D.M. Johnston
"Your Com. to examine the licentiates instruct the following. We have examined D.M. Johnston & J. Crawford on English grammar and Geography and find them very deficient in gammar, but have a general knowledge of Geography."
"On motion D.M. Johnston was ordered to preach over a month to Cumberland Union Cong. for the next six months."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, September 1857, New Salem meeting house, Polk County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1858, Pleasant Retreat Academy, Polk County, Missouri]

Licentiate present - D.M. Johnston
"Your Com. of Literature make the following report. We have attended to the business assigned us, (the examination of your Licentiates, and find that Crawford and Johnston have made some little advancement in Geography & English Grammar but Delzell is quite deficient in all."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, October 1858, Roundtree School House, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1859, house of Abner Adkins, Laclede County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
"That Bro. D.M. Johnston preach monthly to the Pleasant Prarie Congregation for six months."
"On motion it was ordered that Bros. D.M. Johnston & W.F. Albright be & they are hereby ordered to prepare for an examination on all those parts of trial required by our Book of Discipline preparatory to ordination at the next session of Presbytery."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, September 1859, Mount Comfort Meetinghouse, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate present - D.M. Johnston
"The Com. on Literature & Theology made the following report-We have examined Bros. Allbright, D.M. Johnston & Jenkins and are pleased to be able to state that they have a very good knowledge of Theology. A fair knowledge of Geography & philosophy. Bros. Allbright & Johnston have some knowledge of English Grammar, Bro. Jenkins is quite dificient in scinece. We therefore recommend that they all make English Grammar & Theology their principal study until next Presbytery."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1860, Bolivar, Polk County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, September 1860, New Providence Church, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate present - D.M. Johnston
"The Com. on Examination submitted the following which was adopted, Your Com. on Examination would report that they have examined Bros. Johnston & Delzell on English Grammar & Geography & find them very defiecient in both, rather on the retrograde. They have examined Bros. Allbright, R.J. Sims, D.M. Johnston & Delzell on Theology & find that they have a general knowledge of Theology as taught in your Confession of Faith. Your Com. recommends that you endeavor to make up in the minds of your Licentiates & Candidates an interest with regard to the importance of literary attainments."
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1861, Fair Grove, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, September 1861, Cumberland Union, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnson [sic]
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, November 1862, Mount Comfort Church, Greene County, Missouri]

Licentiate absent - D.M. Johnston
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, March 1863, Mount Comfort Church, Greene County, Missouri]

Your Com. appointed to draft Resolutions expressive of the feelings of Presb. in Relation to the death of Bro. Johnston a licensed Probationer under the care of Presb, would report that whereas by the dispensation of divine Providence it has pleased God to remove from us by death our worthy Bro. David M. Johnson [sic], who deparated this life in May last. Resolved that in token of Respect to his memory & virtues Presb. appoint some minister to preach his funeral during the present session of Presb.
On motion Bro. Alsup was appointed to preach the funeral sermon of Bro. Johnson [sic] on Sat. next at 11 oclock.
[Source: Minutes of Springfield Presbytery, October 1863, Cumberland Union, Greene County, Missouri]

Johnston Family Information