Angelo A. Hudson

1824 - 1877

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

A. A. Hudson, Danville, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1868, page 101]

A. A. Hudson, Danville, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1869, page 78]

A. A. Hudson, Danville, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1870, page 73]

A. A. Hudson, Danville, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1871, page 74]

Not listed in 1872 General Assembly Minutes

Not listed in 1873 General Assembly Minutes

Not listed in 1874 General Assembly Minutes

A. A. Hudson, Dover, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1875, page 75]

A. A. Hudson, Dover, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1876, page 85]

A. A. Hudson, Dover, Tenn.
Charlotte Presbytery
Middle Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1877, page 89]

A committee, consisting of Rev. T.O. Webb, and Elders George Doherty and Samuel Brigham, were appointed to draft a suitable preamble and resolution with regard to deceased ministers who reported the death of Rev. A. A. Hudson, who was ordained by the Charlotte Presbytery, and spent his entire ministry within its bounds; that he was a good man and devoted to his Master's work, and even denied the comforts of himself and family to preach to gospel. He had as many friends and as few enemies as any minister we ever knew, therefore wielded a powerful influence for good in the community in which he lived, and we recommend the adoption of the following resolutions:

Resolved, That we bow with humble submission to the Divine will, knowing that God is too wise and too good to do wrong.

2. That this Presbytery extend sympathy and condolence to the bereaved widow and children, and recommend them to Him who has promised to be a father to the fatherless, and a husband to the widow; and that we, his surviving brethren, strive to emulate his virtues, and pray the great Head of the Church to cast his mantle on some young man who may supply his place in the ministry.

After which the funeral of this deceased brother was preached by the Rev. W. M. Coolley.[sic]

[Source: Minutes of Charlotte Presbytery printed in The Cumberland Presbyterian, Oct. 17, 1878, p. 5]

Hudson Family Information

Updated August 26, 2005

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