Isaac A. Gillham

1822 - 1882

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

WAYNESBORO, TENN.--Rev. I.A. Gillham died April 23, 1882, in this place. He leaves a helpless family--a wife and four children. A good man has fallen.

[Source: Cumberland Presbyterian, May 4, 1882,

Deceased Ministers

Isaac A. Gillham
April 23, 1881 [sic. 1882]
Richland Presbytery

[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1882 page 32]


The subject of this notice died at his residence in Waynesboro, Tenn., of pneumonia, April 27th 1882, at the age of sixty years. After an illness of three weeks, he crossed over to the rest promised the faithful. The deceased was a member of the Richland Presbytery, having embraced religion in early life, (date not known), joined this Presbytery in the year 18__, to which he lived a devoted member. He was always present to engage in the duties of the Presbytery. He had cast his lot with the people at this place. He has been our pastor for the past ten years, and ever ready to administer words of comfort to the distressed. He was always prompt in filling his appointments, never disappointing his congregations, unless providentially hindered. He lived as he died, in full hope of an endless life beyond this mode of existence.

As the infirmities of old age began to waste his physical strength, he grew stronger in the faith, and would frequently speak of his religious experience, and his bright prospects for heaven.

His funeral was preached by Rev. R.S. Walker, according to agreements entered into between the deceased and brother Walker, prior to his death. The funeral was attended by a large crowd of friends and relatives.

The following was adopted by the session of the Waynesboro congregation:

WHEREAS, it has pleased the Great I Am, to call from his labors one earth, to that home reserved in heaven for the good and true, our beloved brother and pastor, Isaac A. Gillham, who died at his residence at Waynesboro, Tenn., April 27th 1882, at the age of sixty years.

He died as he lived, in the full hope of an endless fruition, and his life was one of devoted Christianity. He was always found at his post, ready to do the will of his Master.

Resolved, That the Church has lost one of its zealous standard-bearers, and this congregation a faithful and loved pastor; the country, an honored and esteemed citizen; his family, an affectionate husband and father.


[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, July 13, 1882, page 2]


Your Committee on Deceased Ministers would report that the unerring hand of God, on the 23rd day of April, 1882, removed from the bosom of his family and his faithful labors in Zion to his rest and reward, our beloved brother and co-laborer, Rev. Isaac A. Gillham, who embraced religion in early life and submitted himself to the care of Richland Presbytery at Campbellsville, Giles county, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1858; was licensed to preach the gospel at Mt. Moriah, Giles county, Tenn., April, 1860, and was ordained to the whole work of the ministry at Pleasant Garden, Lawrence county, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1863, which office he magnified by study, sacrifice, prayer, and consecration in his work. He was punctual, prudent, safe, and zealous. For many years he itinerated in the destitute portions of this Presbytery; he was a good Presbyter, and served as moderator, and in this, as well as any other sphere in which he was called to work, he served with entire satisfaction to his brethren. At the time of his death he was the acceptable pastor of Waynesboro and Flatwoods congregations, and had been for years. Therefore,

Resolved, That we as a Presbytery humbly bow in submission to the will of an all-wise Providence, who has taken from our number so worthy a member.

2. That we tender our sympathy and condolence to his afflicted and bereaved family, and commend them to the God whom he trusted and served.


[Source: Cumberland Presbyterian, October 19, 1882, page 2]

Family Information

Isaac A. Gillham
Cumberland Presbyterian Minister
died: 23 April 1882 - Waynesboro, Tennessee



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