Jesse Edwards

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1804 - 1851

Departed this life July 26, 1851, LOUISA EDWARDS, aged about 40 years, leaving a kind husband and nine distressed children--one of which was only about five or six months old, and one only and lovely daughter, but a few years old--to mourn to loss of a pious and patient mother.

On the 21st of September following JESSE EDWARDS, the companion of sister Edwards, aged about 47 years. He was called from the walls of Zion, leaving his tender and helpless children to weep over the remains of a departed father and mother.

Brother and sister Edwards were raised close neighbors in Stewart co., Tenn.--professed religion and joined the C.P. Church when young, and were united in marriage in early life, and resided in their native land until about four years past, when they moved to Hickman co., Ky., where they were called from the walks of men, with but 8 weeks between the time of their flight from time and trouble to immortal and endless glory, where pleasure forever lasts and troubles never come.

Sister E. was an amiable woman, an affectionate mother, and a kind mistress.--She was one of those unflinching christians, that stopped not to listen to whims and trifles when the salvation of sinners were at stake, and cheerfully and patiently and ardently shared a part in all the duties of a zealous christian, to promote the Redeemer's cause, and used every means and made every effort she could to enable her companion to proclaim salvation to perishing mortals. Though afflicted for years, she bore her sufferings with patience and fortitude, and met the grim monster with undaunted courage and unshaken confidence, and with grace sufficient to conquer, was enabled to trust in that arm that was always ready to give assistance to his helpless saints.

Bro. E. was a good man, a patient father, and useful Minister of the Gospel, and spent more than 20 years of his life in the vineyard of the Lord, mostly tho' in the bounds of Nashville Presbytery. His manner of preaching was spiritual and plain, and much calculated to edify and win the affections of his congregations; and I feel that I can safely say that he had the good will of both saint and sinner. When he preached, he preached as tho' it was his last sermon--manifesting great zeal, but expressed humble confidence in that Being who inspires all christian hearts with love divine. It is needless for me to say he bore his affliction patiently, for altho' he suffered much, his soul was enlivened with the spirit of God, and he was anxiously waiting the approach of death, that he might go home to his eternal reward.

Sure enough, he has gone--preached his last sermon--gone to his long home. He met death with the faith and fortitude of a christian and as a minister of Christ, with a heart glowing with love and enlivened at the prospect of joining and sharing with his affectionate companion in the joys of eternal rest.

Almost at once the angelic hosts crowded around their dying couch, ready to accompany their happy spirits to the land of eternal repose, where they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.

Watchman will please copy.


[Source: Banner of Peace, and Cumberland Presbyterian Advocate, February 20, 1852, page 4]

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