James L. Durham

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1846 - 1925


Rev. J. L. Durham, aged 79 years, a pioneer citizen and venerated minister of the gospel of this section, died at his home, a few miles west of Dardanelle, on March 11, 1925, and was buried in Mt. Pisgah Cemetery, in Logan County, March 12.

Brother Durham's long life was devoted to work in the Master's vineyard, and many scores have been saved through his preaching and personal efforts. The loss of this splendid man is not only a severe blow to his immediate relatives and friends, but it is also a distinct loss to his county and state, and his place will indeed be hard to fill.

The following data was prepared by Brother Durham some time ago and is printed just as it is written:

"I was born on Pacolet River, Union District, South Carolina, on November 7, A.D., 1846. Left school at the age of 10; also left my native country for Yell County, Arkansas. however, was kept 2 1/4 years near Bowling Green, Ky. Then reached Arkansas in 1859. Settled in what is now Logan County, where I remained until 1908, then moved to Yell County, where I married Mrs. Dean, who at this date is with me at my son's Burt's at the old home. With the exception of three acres, this entire mountain top was native forest. Turkey, deer, wolves, raccoons and squirrels were abundant. This is my fortieth year in church work. Am off in health now; can't preach much now, but my desires are the same as in the past."--Dardanelle Dispatch. (Sent by T. I. Hampton.)
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, April 30, 1925, page 16]

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Updated October 23, 2007