Hardy Copeland

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

1863 - 1939

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Was born March 19, 1863; died at his home in Nashville, Tenn., September 26, 1939. His funeral was conducted at Wood's Funeral Home, September 27, 1939, by Rev. J. W. Stiles, Rev. J. E. Cortner, Rev. W. S. Marshall and the writer.

He was twice married. First, in 1882, to Tina Lansden. To this union were born six children: Mrs. Lora Allmore, who died in Mansfield, Texas, four years ago; Walter Copeland, Ridley Copeland, Mrs. Lula Vincent, Bill Morgan Copeland, all of Nashville, and Sallie Ann Copeland who died in infancy.

While he was pastor of Mansfield Church, he lost his first wife, November 4, 1903. In 1904 he moved to Oklahoma, where he remained until 1906, when he was called to Nashville, to help reorganize the churches of Middle Tennessee.

Brother Copeland probably did more towards reorganizing and building up the churches in and around Nashville than any other man in the entire Church. His first pastorate, after coming to Nashville, was Grace Church in South Nashville, where he remained for five years.

His last pastorate was a group of churches: Franklin, Rocky Glade, and Bellview. Franklin had called him for life and would not let him resign. He served the other two almost until his death. They only accepted his resignation because he insisted he was not able to serve them.

On March 7, 1907, he was married to Mrs. Allie Cunningham, who had four children by her first husband: Mrs. C. D. Moss and Mrs. Lorine Warren of Nashville, Tenn.; J. Lewis Cunningham of Coral Gables, Fla.; and E. Warren Cunningham of Nashville, Tenn.

Brother Copeland was born and reared on a farm in Overton County, near Livingston, Tenn., where he received his early education in the country schools. When a boy he professed faith in Christ and united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1886 he was ordained by Sparta Presbytery to preach the gospel. He held a number of prominent positions in his church. For a number of years he was president of the Board of Education.

Brother Copeland was loyal to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and more than loyal to his friends. How much the people whom he served loved him is shown by his last pastorate who had a part in his funeral. The members of this last pastorate, Rocky Glade, Franklin, and Bellview, served as his pallbearers.

We of Lebanon Presbytery will miss him most. We could always know where to place him for he stood for what was right. We loved him as a father, so true was he to the younger men of the presbytery.

                                                                    Rev. W. W. Suddarth.

[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, October 26, 1939, page 13]

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Updated June 23, 2010