William Arnold "Billy"Burroughs

Cumberland Presbyterian Minister

Presbyterian Minister

1928 - 2012

Need Photograph!!!

Opportunity was given for candidates for the ministry and Mr. Billy Arnold Burroughs presented himself for the ministry. After due examination a motion was made by Mr. J. S. Bradley that he be received and duly enrolled as a candidate for the ministry. The motion passed and a special prayer was prayed by the Rev. Hugh Burroughs. The moderator declared Mr. Billy Burroughs a duly enrolled candidate of Chattanooga Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 15, 1946, page 12]

The following ministers sent communications asking to be excused from this setting of Presbytery: Rev. Percy Hixson, Candidate Billy Burroughs, Rev. J. H. Miller. The reasons were accepted and the ministers excused.

Report from the Committee on Literature and Theology
Billy Burroughs was received by the Presbytery in a called meeting on March 15 and his name has been placed on the roll of candidates for the gospel ministry. He has been excused from this session of Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 9, 1946, pages 7, 8 & 13]

The following ministers sent communications asking to be excused from the setting of Presbytery: Rev. W. E. Morgan, Rev. J. Fred Johnson, Rev. Percy Hixson, and Candidate Billy Burroughs. The reasons seemed to be valid and the ministers were excused.

Report from the Committee on Literature and Theology
Since Candidate Billy Burroughs has been excused from this session of Presbytery your committee has no further report.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 3, 1946, pages 7 & 10]

Candidates Horace Hilton and Billy Burroughs were licensed with Rev. Hugh Burroughs in charge. Rev. C. W. Hayes preached the sermon using as a scriptural base, Matt. 25th chapter, the 14th verse.

Report from the Committee on Literature and Theology
Having maintained close contact with Candidate Billy Burroughs and Horace Hilton and finding that both candidates have made satisfactory progress in their preparation for the gospel ministry, do recommend that these two candidates be licensed to preach the gospel according to the rules and regulations of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. This service of licensing to be held this morning during the Communion Hour.

Report No. II from the Committee on Literature and Theology
Since licentiate Billy Burroughs is now in college, preparing for the gospel ministry, we recommend that he so continue his studies.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 8, 1947, pages 9 & 11]

Roll call: Licentiate, Billy Burroughs

Presbyterial Directory - Licentiate, Billy Burroughs, Martin Rd., Chattanooga 5, Tenn.

Communication--the names of Mr. Amos Burroughs, Mr. Billy Burroughs, and Rev. John Stiles were presented for approval for ministerial aid.

Report from the Committee on Literature and Theology
We recommend that Licentiate Billy Burroughs continue his preparation by attending Bethel College.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 9, 1947, pages 4, 7, 8 & 10]

The commission for ordination of Billy Burroughs and Amos Burroughs was appointed, composed of Rev. Hugh Burroughs, Cortley Burroughs and W. H. Craven.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, December 19, 1947, page 7]

Ministers Gained By Ordination
Name: Billy Arnold Burroughs
Presbytery: Chattanooga
Time: December 25, 1947
[Source: Ministers of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1948, page 261]

Report of Committee on Literature and Theology
We further recommend that Billie Burroughs, who is now a student at Bethel College, be given ministerial aid from the Board of Education should he continue in Bethel next year.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 6, 1949, page 12]

Report of Committee on Literature and Theology
That Rev. Billy Arnold Burroughs be recommended to receive aid from the Board of Education to continue his studies in the Cumberland Presbyterian Theology Seminary.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 4, 1950, page 12]

Report of the Committee on Literature and Theology
We are informed that Brother Billy Burroughs has made application for ministerial aid at Bethel College. We recommend that this be granted.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 3, 1951]

The Rev. W. B. Snipes, of the McMinnville Presbytery and the Rev. Billy Burroughs, of the Nashville Presbytery, U.S. Presbyterian Church, were seated as brethern in council.
[Source: Minutes of Chattanooga Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 8, 1952]

Ordained Ministers Who Have Left Denomination
Denomination: Presbyterian
Name: Billy Burroughs
Presbytery: Chattanooga
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1953, page 276]

The Burroughs Family of Preachers

PICTURED ABOVE is the "man power" of the Hugh J. Burroughs family, all ministers except one and he is an elder. LEFT TO RIGHT: Rev. Hugh J. Burroughs, father, pastor of the Jasper, Tenn. church; Ewen, [sic: Ewing] an elder in the Red Bank church, Chattanooga; Rev. Raymon, dean of Bethel College, McKenzie, Tenn.; Rev. Courtley, [sic: Cortley] pastor of the Pana, Ill., Presbyterian church; Rev. Amos, recent B.D. graduate of the Vanderbilt School of Religion, and pastor of the Petersburg, Tenn., and Coker, Ala., churches; and Rev. William, recent A.B. graduate of Bethel College and pastor of the Ebenezer church, Mason, Tenn.

"We can think of no more potential power for Christ and his cause than this one family," states Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, Petersburg, Tenn., who made this picture available for use here.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, June 20, 1950, page 4]

Burroughs Family Information

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Updated on 12 September 2018