Green's Chapel

Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America

Charleston, Tennessee

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Hiwassee Presbytery

Tennessee Synod

Green's Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America (originally, the Charleston Colored Cumberland Presbyterian Church) was organized in 1885 in Charleston, Tennessee, which is a rural community, located fifty miles north of Chattanooga, Tennessee. The original location of the church was in the Charleston cemetery. The church facility was the first to be owned by blacks in Charleston.

Eight ministers have served Green's Chapel. The first ministers included Rev. Humphries, Rev. Tillery and Rev. Dr. Ridley Usherwood. The current pastor is Rev. Dr. Harry Johnson, Sr.

In 1924, the church moved to its present location on the corner of Wool and Church Streets in Charleston. The late Elder Luther J. Green donated the land on which the church is built. In honor of Elder Green's generosity, the church was re-named "Green's Chapel."

A new church edifice was built in the early 1950's. The brick mason was Rev. Jeremiah McCleary, a former member of Green's Chapel.. The new church was completed on July 28, 1952.

Officers included Brother Walter Pride; Elders Luther Green, Condon Goldston, Arthur Matlock, Benjamin Wood, Curtis Wood; and Deacon Charles Parker, all are now deceased. Each church officer died in the order that his name is listed on the cornerstone of the church. During the fall of 1985, the church sanctuary underwent a major renovation.

Education always has been a priority of the Green's Chapel congregation. Because of early emphasis on education since the 1950's the congregation has had an unusually large percentage of members who hold college degrees.

Approximately eighty people comprise the Green's Chapel congregation. The majority are descendants of the late Jim Berry, Condon Goldston, Robert Bayless, Luther Green, and Elmore McClellon.
[Source: Built by the Hands: An Historical Account of Love, Faith and Determination in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America 1869-2002. Written by Nancy J. Fuqua. Huntsville, Alabama: Executive Committee of the General Assembly, 2002, page 381]

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Updated September 10, 2004



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