First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Winchester, Franklin County, Tennessee

Murfreesboro Presbytery

Tennessee Synod

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
202 2nd Avenue NW
Winchester, Tennessee 37398


The Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Winchester was organized about 1820 by Benjamin Decherd, Judge Green, their wives, and other leading citizens. Services were held in private homes, and then in the courthouse until 1827 when a log church building was erected on a lot located at the present North Jefferson Street and Third Avenue. This was the first church building erected in Winchester. At this site now stands a brick duplex.

The first Sunday school in Winchester was organized about 1828 and was conducted by Benjamin Decherd and others in a room of the second story of the courthouse where white and Negro children were taught together. It is believed that children of all faiths were admitted to this Sunday school.

Rev. Joseph Copp was probably the first pastor of the Winchester Cumberland Presbyterian Church. It is known that he was preaching here in the early 1830's. He was succeeded by Rev. W. A. Scott who founded the Winchester Female Academy which later was called the Robert Donnell Institute. This academy was located on the site of the present Alexander home.

The first church building burned after a few years and was replaced at the same site by a frame building. Cumberland Presbyterians worshiped here until 1857 when a new brick edifice was erected at the corner of the present North High Street and Second Avenue site. This building was started in 1856 and completed in 1857.

The cost of the building is not known, but the deed for the building lot, dated December 17, 1856 and recorded December 27, 1856, in Deed Book X, page 317, states that a lot 85 ft. x 117 ft. was purchased from Thomas S. Logan for the amount of $350. Elders named in the deed were William Reeves, Madison Porter, W. W. Brazelton, B. Templeton, A. G. Clopton, and James H. Young, and deacons, F. A. Loughmiller, Daniel Brazelton, Jr., and Hiram Brown.

The cornerstone for the church was laid by the Masons in the summer of 1857. Placed in the cornerstone were: a Bible, Masonic papers, a membership roster, the church history, small bottles of oil, wine and corn, and some coins.

It is said that the architectural design of a church George Washington worshiped in was used. Elisha Meredith was contractor for the brick work of the church, and William Reeves was contractor for the woodwork. The brick used in this building were hand-made by slaves, many of them being of the old square shape. The upper floor of the building, with beautiful stained glass windows, was used as the sanctuary. From here stairs mounted to a balcony where slaves belonging to church members sat during worship. This sanctuary was the largest auditorium in Winchester and was used by the students of Mary Sharp College and Winchester Normal for their commencement exercises. On Thanksgiving the entire community attended services here.

For many years a mixed choir of forty voices was under the direction of F. A. Loughmiller, who used a tuning fork to get the correct pitch. Music for the choir was first furnished by a Reed organ, but later by a piano. The Carmina Sacra and the Sacred Harp were the hymnals used. Among the soprano voices were Alice Porter, Julia and Mary Loughmiller, Sallie Frizzell, and Martha Reeves. Fannie Lehmig, Sallie and Virginia Spryker sang alto. F. A. Loughmiller sang the leading tenor, and Madison Porter, who had a wonderful voice, was the leading bass.

These singers, together with the other members of the choir, were faithful in attendance and sang the songs of Zion with a zest unsurpassed. It seemed that these melodies must reach the very gates of New Jerusalem. When Madison Porter, who was an elder, died, the pastor, the Rev. S. O. Woods, wrote the following: "Madison Porter is dead. He lived without reproach and died without an enemy, and to whomsoever he was known, this announcement will bring sorrow. His intellect was clear; his heart warm, his charities broad and his religion from God. His love and solicitude comprehended us all, and though the tomb has claimed its tribute, yet he has left us a rich legacy in his noble example, the influence of which will be felt when his grave is forgotten. The young men of Winchester, whom he loved so well, will never hear his winning voice again, but though his heart is cold and his tongue hushed, his manly pleading will linger in their memory, wooing them to virtue's paths."

The ground floor of this church was used for Sunday school rooms and other religious and civic meetings. Here in the 1920's the Civitans were served lunch at their noontime meetings. It was at one of these meetings that the famous William Jennings Bryan ate lunch. He came here from Dayton, Tennessee, where he was involved in the famous "Monkey Trial."

These rooms also housed at one time the Franklin County Library.

N. R. Russell, a great evangelist of his day, held a revival in the church. He and a singer made up the evangelistic team. N. R. Russell was said to be a Billy Graham of his day.

Other wonderful revivals were conducted by evangelists. Among them were: Rev. J. B. Dermit of Nashville, Dixon Williams of Chicago, and C. B. Saunders, who was known as the "sleeping preacher," and who wrote a book which told of his mental and physical condition while he was in a semi-conscious state.

Eccentric people are found in every congregation and this church was no exception. Mrs. Porter, a devout Christian and wife of Madison Porter, was said to be very peculiar. She always sat in a large arm chair facing the congregation. The chair stood on the right of the pulpit between the rostrum and the amen corner. She was always a little late for services and she would come up the aisle like a ship in full sail. On one occasion she wore her poke bonnet hind part before with the green plum dangling over her face, unaware of the mistake. The children were convulsed but they were so well trained that they controlled themselves, as did their parents. It is said that Mrs. Porter must have been nearsighted as she often held her hymnal upside down while she lustily sang.

Another story is told that in the days when ladies of fashion wore bustles, one lady in particular attracted much attention as she entered the sanctuary and walked down the aisle to her accustomed place. Something happened to her bustle and it dribbled sawdust all the way down the aisle.

This church building played an important role in the War Between the States. Within the confines of those walls, confederate officers met to plan strategy for the war that claimed thousands of American lives.

Later when Federal forces marched into surrounding areas, the church was converted into a hospital where men who wore the gray and men who wore the blue lay side by side equalized by the hand of Providence.

Early Members

Among the members of the Winchester Cumberland Presbyterian Church in its early years were the Brazeltons, Bairds, Buchanans, Decherds, Estills, Frizzells, Greens, Logans, Hendersons, Loughmillers, Oehmigs, Porters, Reeves, Russeys, Spykers, Stewarts, Vaughns, Tees, Blacks, Donnells, Hills, Embreys, Bennetts, Johnsons, Brooks, Wallmans, Weddingtons, Mays, McKennons, Ragsdales, Moffitts, Whitworths, McMurrys, Cloptons, Hancocks, and Williams, all being pioneer settlers of Winchester.

Among the membership in the 1870's and 80's was Dr. T. C. Murrell, who was a much loved physician. We also find the following names: Petty, Simmons, Shook, Templeton, Handly, Marks, Pennington, Hutchens, Turner, Jackson, Carter, Vaughan, Hopkins, and Gaines.

Petty, Hopkins, Vaughan, Carter and Gaines were elders and teachers in the Sunday school. Madison Porter had a class of young men who were devoted to him.

Among the women who taught were: Mrs. Julia Vaughan, Mrs. Mary Brazelton, Mrs. Betty Handly, Miss Ellen Estill, Miss Fannie Jackson, Mrs. Mary Shook, Mrs. Maggie Fitzpatrick, and Miss Mollie Estill.

Notes About Some of The Pastors

A famous man's father was also a preacher in the Winchester church sometime during the 1800's. Sir Joseph Campbell's father, Rev. James Campbell, held services in this church from time to time. The Campbell home was located where the Murrell Travis home is today. Sir Joseph was a blind man and the only Tennessean ever to be knighted.

The Rev. M. A. Hunt and the Rev. Mr. Whitner stayed only a short time, but Rev. Mr. Hunt wielded a wonderful influence, holding members in the church at this critical period when some of the churches of the C. P. denomination split and joined the Presbyterian Church U. S. A. Rev. Mr. Whitner encouraged the members to be courageous and to continue to the Cumberland Presbyterians.

It was said of Dr. A. J. Baird, a minister in the early days of this church, that by his eloquence, his winning personality, and his genial and loving spirit, as well as his work as a pastor, revival preacher and writer, he had won a place in the affections of the people which had been attained by few.

The following is taken from a book entitled "William Anderson Scott, No Ordinary Man." (Pastor 1836-1837) "Dr. Scott was an interesting person. At the age of seventeen as a licentiate, he preached several months on the Carroll-Obion Circuit in Hopewell Presbytery. He had about thirty preaching points and covered the area every five weeks. He attended Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey. Then he took a church in Louisiana and was ordained by Louisiana Presbytery in 1835. He came to Winchester in 1836 to become pastor of the church and president of the Winchester Female Academy. Dr. Scott stayed here two years and then went to Nashville where he transferred to the Presbyterian Church U. S. A. By the time of the Civil War he was pastor of a church in San Francisco. There he was hanged in effigy twice because he prayed for "the presidents"--meaning both Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. He later helped found San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Old Sanctuary Remodeled

Sunday morning April 17, 1949, Easter communion services were conducted in the newly remodeled and redecorated sanctuary of the church which had not been used for many years. Rev. Ernest Rudder Knox of Stevenson, Ala., conducted the service. Rev. R. E. Esch was the pastor at the time.

The old slave gallery at the rear of the sanctuary where the colored servants of members were seated in pre-war days, was removed. Some members of the congregation never were aware that the gallery existed, because soon after the Civil War the stairway to the gallery was removed and the opening into the sanctuary was sealed. However, the empty, sealed-in chamber remained until workmen employed by the contractor, J. N. Wright, Sr., tore it away.

Fluorescent lights were installed and a new heating system of propane gas replaced the coal heaters. The walls were covered with acoustic boards and finished in gray, and the ceiling in an off-white color.

The choir arrangement was changed and the pulpit enlarged. The Bible stand and communion table were of cherry wood. Red carpets were placed down the aisles and in the pulpit area.

A kitchen and nursery were established on the ground floor. Six Sunday school rooms and an assembly room were also on the ground floor.

Ground Breaking for Educational Building

Sunday January 27, 1957, members of the church participated in a ground breaking ceremony which was the beginning of a long range building program.

The ceremony marked the beginning of the educational building, the church's first phase of building.

Two lots were purchased in order to make room for the building. One was bought from Ruth M. Scott, July 11, 1955, and one from N. N. Copeland, April 25, 1956.

J. N. Wright was awarded the contract and members of the building committee were James A. Clark, Dick Singellton, Joe Clark and C. C. Keckritz.

Educational Building Dedication

Sunday, January 12, 1958, a new and beautiful educational building constructed at the rear of the old sanctuary was dedicated.

It was a full day of dedication and centennial celebration (this date also marked the 100th anniversary of the church) for members and friends of this historic church, beginning with Sunday school in the morning and ending with open house in the afternoon.

Rev. H. Shaw Scates, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, was guest minister at the morning worship hour. The afternoon service included a message by Rev. Ky Curry, then pastor of the Cowan church. Words of appreciation were by the pastor, Rev. E. H. Denman, Jr., Aaron Clark, chairman of the building committee, and Roy Watson, chairman of the finance committee.

The new educational building was the first of a two-unit building which includes the new sanctuary which has just been constructed. The cost of the first unit (educational building) was approximately $90,000, inclusive of $9,800 for property and $2,500 for architectural fees. The design is modern gothic with the exterior of cathedral brick trimmed with white limestone. The main entrance is set in a small entrance tower of limestone which matches the new sanctuary entrance and tower.

The interior is of steel and concrete with acoustical ceiling and tile-covered floors. The pastor's study is pine paneled and has recently been carpeted with green and refurnished with organe covered modern furniture.

The basement includes the fellowship hall which will accommodate approximately 275 people and also houses the furnace room, men's restroom, storage room, and kitchen.

Located on the ground floor are three restrooms, pastor's study, church office, chapel, nursery, library, two class rooms, and choir room.

The top floor which was not completed at the time the building was built is being completed by the Men's Fellowship to provide for approximately thirteen classrooms.

The Leila Singellton Memorial Chapel, located on the ground floor, is named in memory of one who served as session clerk for over 40 years and was one of the first women elders in the church. Seating 70, it is equipped with white-oak furniture and has been redecorated with the walls being painted white and the floor covered in wall-to-wall red carpeting.

The CPW has just recently made new white drapes for the entire educational building. The material was also furnished by the CPW.

The educational building was completely paid for in January of 1969.

New Manse Built

The old church manse, located on Vine Street, and purchased by the church January 1, 1889 from T. J. and Mary B. Gaines, was sold February 9, 1963 to Robert A. Piatt.

A lot, located in Rogers Haven subdivision, was donated to the church by Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bean in December of 1962. A modern brick manse consisting of four bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and two baths was built on the site.

The building, valued at $18,000, was finished in 1963 and the first occupants were the Rev. and Mrs. M. D. Stott.

Mr. Bean contracted to do the labor and the Men's Fellowship did the finish work.

Note Burning Ceremony

Sunday, November 10, 1968, a note burning ceremony was held during the morning worship service.

Officials of the church participating were: Bruce Spencer, president of the CPYF; Aubrey Peters, finance board chairman; Roy Tipps, clerk of the session; Roy Watson, church treasurer; and Rev. E. H. Denman, Jr., pastor of the church.

This ritual marked the payments of notes representing more than $100,000 for the educational building and new manse.

Old Sanctuary Demolished

A building committee consisting of Robert Lynn Bean, chairman, James Frank Cunningham, Jr., secretary, Aubrey Peters, Dick Singellton, Glenn Moore, Jr., C. C. Keckritz and E. H. Denman, Jr., ex officio was named by the session of the church in June 1968.

Their first order of business was plans for the destruction of the old sanctuary. A contract was entered into with Woodrow Thompson of Shelbyville, Tenn., and demolition began in August of 1968. He razed the building and cleared the lot for the salvaged material in lieu of payment.

Each member so desiring was given one of the old hand-made bricks as a souvenir. The cornerstone and bell were saved so that they could be preserved in the new church.

Cornerstone Opened

History unfolded Sunday, Sept. 8, 1968, at the evening worship service as the congregation viewed the contents of the cornerstone laid in the old sanctuary on June 13, 1857. The stone was removed Sept. 6, 1968.

The formal opening of the stone took place in the sanctuary of the old Church of Christ building across the street which was used as a place of worship for our church until the new sanctuary was finished. (The Church of Christ volunteered the use of the building without cost in return for a favor that was rendered to their church several years ago, when the Church of Christ held services in the C. P. church.)

The stone had been cut from a large piece of granite, and measured approximately 32 inches long, 15 inches wide, and 12 inches high. A four-inch cap was sawed away and five separate chambers were cut into the stone's interior to house the mementoes of a bygone day. The preparation of the stone was, in itself, a feat unparalleled in its day--a day when stone cutters used a hammer and chisel. The walls of the granite block were without blemish and will continue to remain with the congregation as the cornerstone for the new sanctuary.

Miss Mary Cunningham, long-time member of the church and a Franklin County school teacher, meticulously removed the contents of the stone. Various papers had been carefully sealed in tin boxes, but moisture and age had caused the tin to rust away in spots.

In the stone was a small Bible, its pages turned to dust, but its backs remaining. The imprint of three coins was on the cover. These coins were removed and found to be a one-cent piece, identified as a copper-bronze flying eagle; a twenty-five cent piece, and a five-cent piece. The estimated value of the three coins was reported to be $100.

A copy of Hill's Almanac of 1857 was recovered, along with catalogues of the Tennessee-Alabama Female Institute, Mary Sharp College, for the years 1853-54 and 1855-56. Also found was a leather-bound song book and two rare books on theology, one written by Finis Ewing, one of the founders of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the other by Robert Donnell, church leader and educator in Winchester in that era.

A letter addressed to John Frizzell, a great uncle of Mrs. Isabel Baker, a member of the Winchester church, was extracted.

Other publications brought forth were "Ladies' Pearl," and "Church Militant," a monthly church publication. "The Presbyterian Advocate" of May 1856, and a copy of "The Home Journal" newspaper of Saturday, June 13, 1857, were also removed.

Three small bottles were lifted from the stone. These were believed to have been placed here by the Masons and probably contained the symbols of the order, wine for refreshment, oil for joy, and corn for nourishment.

The Rev. E. H. Denman, Jr., pastor of the church, and clerk of the session, Roy Tipps identified the objects as they were removed from the stone.

Ground Breaking For New Sanctuary

A ground breaking ceremony Sunday January 26, 1969, marked the beginning of construction for a new sanctuary.

Participating in the ceremony were: Lee Sisk, representing the senior members of the congregation, Cory Brown, who represented the newest member of the church; and Bruce Spencer, president of the CPYF, who represented the youth and children of the congregation.

The ceremony which included a responsive reading and a hymn was held immediately following the Sunday morning worship service.

New Sanctuary Built

The building committee, after touring several churches, voted to follow the principal design of the Beaver Creek Cumberland Church in Knoxville, Tenn.

J. N. Wright & Son, general contractors for the Educational Building, was selected as the contractor for the new sanctuary. A contract was entered into for $105,000 for the erection of the building, and the building committee allocated an additional $4,000 for the furnishings.

To finance the sanctuary, a loan was approved through Murfreesboro Federal Savings and Loan Association of Murfreesboro, Tenn. A commitment of $90,000 (if this amount was needed) was made to the church.

The sanctuary, 97 feet long, 42 feet wide and 42 feet high has a seating capacity of over 400. The interior is finished with white gum paneling, lightly stained with silver gray. The ceiling has laminated beams stained with a deeper shade of gray. Crab orchard stone at the front of the church surrounds a beautiful long blue-stained glass window overlooking the chancel area. The window also displays a cross the length and width of the window. There are five stained glass windows on each side of the building, each window having four sections.

The worship chamber is furnished with red oak pews, and has blue wall to wall carpeting. The narthex is finished in white gum paneling, stained a deeper gray, harmonizing with the sanctuary. The floor also has blue wall to wall carpeting. A register is at the center back wall, and at each side coat racks have been installed.

The entrance tower finished in limestone is 12 feet square, 30 feet high, and is topped with a 45-foot steeple. The bell, which was removed from the old sanctuary, is installed in the tower. The cornerstone taken from the old sanctuary has been placed in the right hand corner of the new building.

The basement is 97 feet in length and 28 feet wide and will serve as a fellowship hall, leaving the basement under the educational building for future classrooms.

The exterior of the building is finished in brick matching the educational building, with limestone trim placed around the windows. A concrete entrance walk, 15 feet wide, leads from the sidewalk to the entrance tower.

The first worship service was held in the new sanctuary Sunday morning, October 26. Two young men, James Puryear, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Puryear, and John Russell Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wright, Jr., and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wright, Sr., contractors for the new building, were united with the church.


Men's Fellowship Organized

The Winchester Cumberland Men's Fellowship was organized at the church Monday night, January 30, 1956. Roy Tipps was named the group's first president.

Also serving on the first official executive committee were Joe W. Clark, vice president; Roy B. Watson, secretary; and Winfield Bennett, treasurer. Pastor of the church at the time was E. H. Denman, Jr.

 The officers were installed by Charles Sons, who was the secretary-treasurer of the Denominational Cumberland Presbyterian Men's Fellowship and then a member of the Cowan Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

The meal was prepared by four laymen of the church. The menu consisted of fish, hush puppies, slaw, potato chips, and coffee.

The Men's Fellowship has been a very active part of the church. They have worked hard and long hours in service to the church. Among some of their services has been the completion of the top floor of the educational building; painting and laying tile in the educational building; and landscaping and re-sodding the church lawn. They also raised money to buy ceiling tile, and did the labor to add the finishing touch to the Fellowship Hall.

Women's Missionary Auxiliary

There is no record as to when the first missionary auxiliary was organized, but it is known to have been a very active part of the church for many years.

Some of the earlier outstanding leaders were: Mrs. Leila Singellton, Miss Lena Austell and Mrs. Harvey (Vella) Templeton Sr. All of these were elders in the church and were responsible for holding the church together in the early 1900's.

Mrs. Singellton was session clerk from 1926 to 1957, with the exception of one year (1951) when Mr. Frank Gray served. Because of her love and devotion to the church, the chapel in the educational building was dedicated to her memory.

Mrs. Templeton supported a missionary in China for several years and upon her death, her son, John Marks Templeton continued her project.

In 1958 the women voted to name the group the Stella Atkinson Auxiliary, honoring one of their dedicated members.

Other members active in the auxiliary were: Mrs. Ernie Brietler, Mrs. Isabel Baker, Mrs. James Cunningham, Miss Mary Cunningham, Mrs. Frank Gray, Mrs. Herman Grant, Mrs. W. P. Hix, Mrs. Floyd Hinshaw, Mrs. Annie Miller, Mrs. Louise Martin, Mrs. Ruth McDowell, Mrs. Flossie Proby, Mrs. Kitty Reynolds, Mrs. Mabel Sprague, Mrs. Dessie Steed, Mrs. Sue Skidmore, Mrs. Nelle Mason, Mrs. Virginia Singellton, Mrs. Cleo Clark, and Mrs. Fannie Zumwalt.

Cleo Clark Auxiliary Organized

A meeting was held at the home of Carolyn Meyer in November, 1958 for the purpose of organizing a second auxiliary at the Winchester church to include the age group from 18 to 35.

Mrs. W. P. Hix, a member of the Stella Atkinson Auxiliary, led the discussion in proper procedures of organization.

The name "Cleo Clark Auxiliary" was decided upon honoring one who was a dedicated member of the church.

A nominating committee consisting of Wanda Bennett, Judy Tate, and Edna Tipps was appointed for the purpose of nominating officers. The officers elected were: Ruth Sons, president; Betty Spencer, vice president; Sue Fowler, secretary-treasurer; and Virginia Bean, recording secretary.

The charter members were Carolyn Amacher, Virginia Bean, Wanda Bennett, Carolyn Meyer, Ruth Sons, Betty Spencer, Judy Tate, and Edna Tipps. The Rev. David Meyer was pastor of the church.

The first regular meeting was held December 16, 1958, at the home of Judy Tate.

CPW Organized

Due to a change in the program of the denomination, the missionary auxiliaries of all churches were organized into one group known as the Cumberland Presbyterian Women. Thus, the Cleo Clark and the Stella Atkinson Missionary Auxiliaries were reorganized in January of 1966 and became known as the CPW.

The first meeting was held January 11, 1966 in the Leila Singellton Chapel with 19 members present.

Officers elected were: Mrs. H. T. Grant, president; Mrs. Jesse Magnam, vice president; Mrs. Roy Tipps, recording secretary; and Mrs. Winfield Bennett, secretary-treasurer.

Youth Organized

The youth were organized into a group known as the "Christian Endeavor" in the fall of 1942 by Miss Alma Spraker, whose father was then pastor of the church.

The fellowship has been in continuous existence since that date; however, it has been reported that there had been a youth organization in the early 1900's, of which we have no record.

The Christian Endeavor was an interdenominational organization, and as a part of same, our youth were associated with several other denominations in surrounding areas.

Later the group organized into the Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Fellowship and participated more in denominational activities.

The group is now under the sponsorship of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bean. Jerry Tipps is president, Bruce Spencer vice president, and Pat Coutta is secretary-treasurer.

Other sponsors who have served in past years have been: Mrs. Marguerite Cunningham, who assisted Miss Spraker in organizing, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Keckritz, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Cornett, Mr. and Mrs. Orien Liechty, Mr. and Mrs. Benny Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sons, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis.

Crusaders Organized

The Crusaders were organized in October 1959 by Mrs. R. L. Spencer and Mrs. Charles Sons.

This group has since been an active part of the church and at the present time has an average attendance of sixteen.

For the 1969-70 year, the Crusaders have been organized into two groups. The 5-8 year olds will be sponsored by Mrs. J. N. Wright Jr. and Mrs. L. D. Denman.

Mrs. Jimmy Cunningham and Mrs. Harold Yates are sponsors for the 9-12 age group.

The Crusaders meet each Sunday evening in the fellowship hall for a period of study and recreation.

Ministers Called From This Church

The Winchester church has been honored in the past ten years by having two young men answer the call to the ministry.

They are James Robertson Miller and Ronnie Marcus Pittenger.

The Rev. Mr. Miller, son of Mrs. J. S. Miller, and the late Mr. Miller, made his decision while in high school during the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Denman.

Mr. Miller graduated from Franklin County High School and Bethel College in McKenzie. He received his B. D. degree from the Cumberland Presbyterian Seminary at Memphis in 1962.

While attending the seminary, Mr. Miller preached at the Belvidere church and at a church near Rover, Tenn. His first full time pastorate was in Virginia, Ill., where he was pastor for over five years. In 1967, he accepted a call to the church in Monroe City, Ill., and was there for two years.

He is now living near Columbia, Tenn., and is serving the West Point and Santa Fe churches.

He is married to the former Edith Masters of Belvidere, and they have three children, Carol, age six, Mike, four, and Brian, two.

The Rev. Mr. Pittenger made his decision in early childhood to become a minister. This decision was consummated during the ministry of the Rev. Willard Murrie.

Mr. Pittenger graduated from Franklin County High School in 1963. He attended Austin Peay University for one year and then transferred to Bethel College in McKenzie, where he earned his B. S. degree. He studied at the Cumberland Presbyterian Seminary for two years.

At the present time, Mr. Pittenger is minister of the Friendship Church at Friendship, Tenn. His previous pastorate was at White House, Tenn.

He is married to the former Miss Rena Rose of Nashville, Tenn., and they have a daughter, Margaret Renee, age three.

Denman Accepts Call

The Rev. E. H. Denman Jr., returned as pastor of the church on April 28, 1968, after an absence of eleven years.

It was under his earlier leadership that the church first took inventory of its needs and launched into a building program that saw a $100,000 educational unit erected as its first effort.

Mr. Denman, in his first pastorate from February, 1955 to March, 1958, led the church in its greatest growth since its founding, and many of the members he received into the fellowship at that time continue to be leaders in the church.

Called the second time, Mr. Denman came to Winchester from the Margaret Hank Memorial Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Paducah, Ky.

He has served some of the largest churches in the denomination. His immediate former pastorate was the third largest church, numerically, in the denomination. He has also served as pastor at Fordyce, Ark., Edgefield in Nashville, Beaver Creek near Knoxville, and Marshall, Texas.

He is considered to be one of the most outstanding young ministers in the denomination.

Immediately after accepting the present call here, Mr. Denman led the congregation into approving a building program that climaxes the churches' plans launched in the late 1950's.

He arranged with the Winchester Church of Christ for the use of their vacated building on High Street, across from the present site. A building committee was named, the old sanctuary was demolished, and the present edifice was constructed.

Once again the church is realizing its greatest growth, not only numerically, but spiritually.

Under Mr. Denman's leadership and with the assistance of the Rev. Ky Curry, associate pastor, the church has launched into one of the most ambitious programs undertaken by a church of its size.

The budget has more than doubled, and the attainment of the goals set out in the budget have already been met for the church year 1968-69.

The present pastor is a native of Waleska, Ga. He attended Tusculum College in Greeneville, Tenn., received a BA and BS degree from Bethel College in McKenzie and attended the Cumberland Presbyterian Seminary, which was located at McKenzie. He did graduate work in the School of Religion at Emory University in Atlanta, and East Tennessee University in Johnson City.

He is a veteran of World War II, having served in the United States Navy. He is married to the former Miss Susie Estes and they have three children, Susie Lynn, 14, Debbie, 13 and Bud, 7.


Joseph Copp (first pastor)

W. A. Scott, 1836-37

J. G. Biddle

Dr. A. J. Baird

Matthew Bone

S. O. Woods

J. B. Lovett

P. A. Logan

J. W. Stone, 1891-92

Ed McCollom, 1892-94

J. D. Black, 1894-99

J. B. Eshman, 1901-06

M. A. Hunt, 1907

J. A. Whitener, 1908

McWilliams, 1909

J. B. Eshman, 1910-12

A. J. Johnson, 1913

J. J. Cobb, 1923

J. T. Barrow, 1926

N. D. Crawford, 1927-29

James W. Elder, 1930-31

Talmage Hartman, 1932-36

W. B. Spraker, 1937-47

R. E. Esch, 1948

T. J. Scott, 1949-54

E. H. Denman, Jr., 1955-58

David L. Meyer, 1959

M. D. Stott, Sr., 1960-63

Willard M. Murrie, 1964-67

E. H. Denman, Jr., 1968-


During the period of 1886 to 1895 the following were listed as elders who represented the Winchester Church in presbytery: S. A. Plemons, J. A. Carter, W. W. Petty, J. P. Francis, T. J. Gaines, J. F. Vaughan, T. J. Larkins, B. P. Kuster, N. G. Shook and W. E. Miner.

Following is a list of elders who served the church from 1900 to the present time. This list may not be complete due to early records being destroyed.

T. J. Gaines, P. B. Keith, Nath Shook, J. C. Hopkins, R. S. Horne, R. L. D. Collins, W. C. Simmons, W. H. Burks, W. I. Lipscomb, C. S. Clay, Mrs. Leila Singellton, Miss Lena Austell, Mrs. Vella Templeton, E. H. Cunningham, Floyd Hinshaw, J. Roland Tipps, Lenord Finney, W. S. Rudder, R. L. Sims, James F. Cunningham, Frank Gray, Aaron Clark, Cary Staples, L.G. Marshall, Lee Sisk, J. N. Wright Sr., Dick Singellton, Claude Anderton, Roy Watson, Winfield Bennett, Clofton Tipps, Howard Shockley, Joe W. Clark, C. C. Keckritz, Charles Sons, Roy Tipps, James F. Cunningham Jr., Glenn Moore Jr., Lynn Bean, Julian Sullivan, L. C. Denman, Herman Grant, R. L. Spencer Jr., Glenn Moore Sr., Ralph Starnes, Aubrey Peters, Cecil Page, W. K. Warmbrod, Rodney Tate, Herman Scott, Orin Liechty, J. L. Ray.


Following is a list of deacons who served the church from 1900 to the present time. This list may not be complete due to early records being destroyed.

W. C. Simmons, W. C. Jones, R. C. Handly, Claude Anderton, W. S. Rudder, Nelson Wright Sr., James F. Cunningham Sr., J. S. Miller, Ed Little, Merideth Turner, Vernon Sisk, R. R. Carmichael, Herman Grant, Dick Singellton, Ernest Arnold, Clyde England, Carl Rudder, Roy Watson, Robert Terry, Clofton Tipps, Charles Sons, Orin Liechty, W. G. Cotton, Lynn Bean, R.L. Spencer Jr., Nelson Wright Jr., Aubrey Peters, Howard Luttrell, Dr. R. H. Davison, Glenn Moore Jr., Ralph Starnes, Dewey Bean, Phil Burkhalter, Gilliam Shook, L. C. Denman, Charles Garner, Don Starnes, Bill Warmbrod, Rodney Tate, Julian Sullivan, J. L. Ray, W. T. Brooks.

[Source: "Dedication Program and History. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Winchester, Tennessee," 1969.]

1821-Spring 1848
No minutes in archives for Tennessee Presbytery.

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 13, 1848, page 2]

Winchester - Elder representative Adam Oehmig
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 13, 1849, page 15]

Winchester - Elder representative A. Oehmig
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 12, 1849, page 29]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 12, 1850, page 39]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4, 1850, page 55]

April 4, 1851 - Tennessee Presbytery - Winchester, Tennessee
Winchester - Elder representative Madison Porter
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 4, 1851, page 72]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1851, page 112]

Winchester - Elder representative Madison Porter
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 2, 1852, page 129]

October 1, 1852 - Tennessee Presbytery - Winchester, Tennessee
Winchester - Elder representative B. Dechire
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1, 1852, page 147]

Winchester - Elder representative A. Henderson
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 1, 1853, page 166]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1853, page 178]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 31, 1854, page 210]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1854, page 235]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 30, 1855, page 255]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 5, 1855, page 279]

April 5, 1856 - Tennessee Presbytery - Winchester, Tennessee
Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Brazzelton
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 5, 1856, page 296]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1856, page 321]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 3, 1857, page 344]

No Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery

Winchester - Elder representative J. H. Layton
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 1, 1859, page 3]

Winchester - Elder representative John Frizzell
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 20, 1860, page 4]

Winchester - Elder representative John Frizzell
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 21, 1861, page 4]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 19, 1861, page 3]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 20, 1862, page 2]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 25, 1862, page 2]

Winchester - Elder representative M. Porter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 19, 1863, page 122]

Fall 1863-Spring 1865
Presbytery did not meet.

Presbytery met at Winchester, Tennessee
Winchester - Elder representative C. P. Baird
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, July 7-8, 1865, page 142]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 21, 1865, page 154]

Winchester - Elder representative John Frizzell
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 22, 1866, page 172]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 13, 1866, page 189]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 18, 1867, page 3]

Winchester - Elder representative M. Porter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 20, 1867, page 210]

Winchester - Elder representative A. D. Lansden
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1868, page 230]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 25, 1868, page 254]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1869, page 282]

Winchester - Elder representative M. Porter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1869, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Oehming
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1870, page 304]

Winchester - Elder representative A. M. Burney
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 23, 1870, page 322]

Winchester - Elder representative C. P. Baird
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1871, page 1]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 22, 1871, page 17]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26, 1872, page 41]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 20, 1872, page 3]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25, 1873, page 3]

Winchester - Elder representative F. A. Loughmiller
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 26, 1873, page 93]

Winchester - Elder representative James Logan
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1874, page 61]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, July 8, 1874, page 163]

Winchester - Elder representative C. P. Baird
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 27, 1874, page 107]

Winchester - Elder representative W. R. Francis, Jr.
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1875, page 125]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1875, page 143]

Winchester - Elder representative C. P. Baird
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26, 1876, page 170]

Winchester - Elder representative W. R. Francis, Jr.
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 22, 1876, page 201]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1877, page 219]

Winchester - Elder representative C. P. Baird
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 21, 1877, page 251]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Oehming
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26, 1878, page 277]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 20, 1878, page 300]

Winchester - Elder representative Wm. R. Francis, Jr.
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25, 1879, page 323]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 26, 1879, page 2]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1880, page 47]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Oehming
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1880, page 86]

Winchester - Elder representative J. W. Davis
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1881, page 118]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 23, 1881, page 144]

Winchester - Elder representative J. W. Davis
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1882, page 172]

Winchester - Elder representative J. W. Davis
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 22, 1882, page 198]

Winchester - Elder representative J. A. Carter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1883, page 234]

Winchester - Elder representative J. W. Davis
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 21, 1883, page 261]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Oehming
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25, 1884, page 296]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 26, 1884, page 322]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Pettey
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1884, page 342]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Pettey
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 25, 1885, page 365]

Winchester - Elder representative S. A. Plemons
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1886, page 2]

Winchester - Elder representative J. A. Carter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1886, page 25]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Pettey
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1887, page 54]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 23, 1887, page 81]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 13, 1887, page 108]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Petty
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1888, page 116-117]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Pettey
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 8, 1888, page 133]

Winchester - Elder representative J. A. Carter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 12, 1888, page 135]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 11, 1889, page 158]

Winchester - Elder representative J. P. Francis
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 12, 1889, page 177]

Presbytery met at Winchester.
Winchester - Elder representative J. A. Carter
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 18, 1890, page 194]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: Jo. Oehmig, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: none listed
Total Membership: no report
Value of Church Property: no report
Sunday-School Superintendent: no report
Tennessee Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, pages 236 & 269]

Winchester - Elder representative T. J. Gaines
[Source: Minutes of the Tennessee Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 12, 1890, page 213]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: Jos. Ochmig, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: J. W. Stone
Total Membership: 116
Value of Church Property: 6700
Sunday-School Superintendent: T. J. Gains, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1891, pages 236 & 283]

Winchester - Elder representative J. F. Vaughn
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1892, page 227]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: J. P. Francis, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: Ed McCollom
Total Membership: 117
Value of Church Property: 6000
Sunday-School Superintendent: H. S. Shockley, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1892, pages 248 & 296]

Winchester - Elder representative T. J. Larkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1892, page 252]

Winchester - Elder representative J. P. Francis
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1893, page 273]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: J. P. Francis, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: E. McCollum
Total Membership: 105
Value of Church Property: not listed
Sunday-School Superintendent: J. A. Carter, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1893, pages 248 & 296]

Winchester - Elder representative J. F. Vaughn
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1893, page 294]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1894, page 310]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: J. P. Francis, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: E. McCollum
Total Membership: 114
Value of Church Property: 6000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1894, page 258]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4, 1894, page 333]

Winchester - Elder representative N. G. Shook
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26, 1895, page 351]

Name of the Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: J. P. Francis, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: J. D. Black
Total Membership: 112
Value of Church Property: 9000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1895, page 268]

Winchester - Elder representative W. E. Miner
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 30, 1895, page 386]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, January 21, 1896, page 415]

Winchester - Elder representative B. P. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1896, page 2]

Name of Congregation: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: J. P. Francis, Winchester, Tenn.
Pastor: J. D. Black
No. Communicants: 110
Value of Church Property: 8000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1896, page 241]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1, 1896, page 34]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1897, page 60]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: Gaines, T. J., Winchester, Tenn.
Minister: Black, J. D.
No. Communicants: 126
Value of Church Property: 8000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1897, page 204]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1897, page 86]

Winchester - Elder representative T. J. Gaines
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1898, page 110]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister: J. D. Black
No. Communicants: 100
Value of Church Property: 7200
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1898, page 225]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1898, page 132]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1899, page 160]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister: J. D. Black
No. Communicants: 100
Value of Church Property: 7000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1899, page 120a]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1899, page 187]

Congregation not represented - Winchester
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20-23, 1900, page 4]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: none listed
No. Communicants: 118
Total Value of Church Property: 6000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1900, page 141a]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4-6, 1900, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative W. W. Petty
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26, 1901, page 215]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: none listed
Total No. of Members: 111
Total Value of Church Property: 7000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1901, page 167a]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1901, page 262]

Winchester - not in list of churches not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1902, page 271

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total No. of Members: 94
Total Value of Church Property: 8000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1902, page 158a]

Winchester - Elder representative T. J. Gaines.
The report of the Committee on Pastorates and Supplies was adopted as follows: Your committee report permanent groups served as follows: Hebron and Winchester, J. B. Eshman.
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3-4, 1902, pages 7 & 16]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith.
Winchester has preaching three Sundays in each month.
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24-26, 1903, pages 2 & 4]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 9, 1903, page 2]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total Number of Members: 112
Total Value of Church Property: 8000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1903, page 143a]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1903, page 11]

Winchester - Elder representative R. S. Horn
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22-23, 1904, page 29]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: T. J. Gaines, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total Number of Members: 140
Total Value of Church Property: 9000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1904, page 124a]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 23, 1904, page 47]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1905, page 65]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: P. B. Keith, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total Number of Members: 130
Total Value of Church Property: 10000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1905, page 105a]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 6, 1905, page 86]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 6, 1906, page 105]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: R. S. Horne, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total Number of Members: 128
Total Value of Church Property: 5000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, page 96a]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28-29, 1906, page 113]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, November 8, 1906, page 123]

After the partial union this congregation split and part became First Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. In 1908, this congregation was a member of the Presbytery of McMinnville of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Their pastor was Rev. James Calvin Orr, a former Cumberland Presbyterian minister. They had 48 members. This congregation was dissolved in 1945.

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 26-28, 1907, page 126]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Postoffice: R. S. Horne, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: M. A. Hunt
Total Number of Members: 52
Total Value of Church Property: 3000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1907, page 60a]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 18, 1907, page 133]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 10-11, 1908, page 143]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Postoffice: R. S. Home, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister now in Charge: J. A. Whitener
Total Number of Members: 30
Total Value of Church Property: 500
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1908, page 71a]

Winchester - Elder representative J. C. Hopkins
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1908, page 154]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 2, 1909, page 170]

Name of Church: Winchester
No Report

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1, 1909, page 178]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1910, page 196]

Name of Church: Winchester
No Report
Minister now in Charge: J. B. Eshman
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cu??????

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1910, page 199]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 7, 1911, page 207]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: R. S. Horn, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister in Charge: J. B. Eshman
Supt. of S. S.: W. H. Burks
Total Members: 50
Value of Church: 10000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1911, page 144]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1911, page 216]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 28, 1912, page 229]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: R. S. Horn, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister in Charge: J. B. Eshman
Total Number of Members: 50
Value of Church: 11000
S. S. Superintendent: W. H. Burks, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1912, pages 148 & 212]

Winchester - not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1912, page 237]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24-26, 1913, page 246]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: R. S. Horn, Winchester, Tenn.
Minister in Charge: A. J. Johnson
Total Number of Members: 60
Value of Church: 6000
S. S. Superintendent: P. B. Keith, Winchester, Tenn.
S. S. Secretary and Address: Miss Annie Cowan, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1913, pages 227 & 286]

Winchester - Elder representative R. S. Horn
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2-4, 1913, page 260]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1914, page 268]

Name of Church: Winchester
Clerk of the Session and Post Office: R. S. Horn
Minister in Charge: none listed
Total Members: 60
Value of Church: 6,000
S. S. Superintendent: D. P. Keith, Winchester
S. S. Secretary and Address: Annie Cowan, Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1914, pages 179 & 232]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1-2, 1914, page 274]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1915, page 284]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister in Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: P. B. Keith, Winchester, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 60
Value of Church: 6,000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1915, page 170]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30-October 1, 1915, page 294]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1916, page 2]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister in Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: R. B. Keith, Winchester, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 48
Value of Church: 500
S. S. Secretary: Pearl Ruch
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1916, pages 143 & 187]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28-29, 1916, page 11]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 19, 1917, page 18]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister in Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: P. B. Keith, Winchester, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 47
Value of Church: 5,000
S. S. Secretary: Kirkland Simmons
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1917, pages 154 & 204]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 5, 1917, page 26]

Winchester - Elder representative P. B. Keith
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25, 1918, page 35]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister in Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: P. B. Keith, Winchester
Total Number of Members: 44
Value of Church: not listed
S. S. Secretary: Kirkland Simmons
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1918, pages 127 & 174]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3-4, 1918, page 43]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1919, page 48]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister in Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: P. B. Keith, Winchester
Total Number of Members: 62
Value of Church: 2,000
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1919, page 126]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2-3, 1919, page 53]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23-24, 1920, page 60]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: none listed
Total Number of Members: 40
Value of Church: 7,000
Name of Sunday School Secretary: Miss Christine Gregory
Post Office: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1920, pages 166 & 210]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1-2, 1920, page 67]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1921, page 75]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: none listed
Total Number of Members: 40
Value of Church: 3,000
S. S. Secretary: Christine Gregory
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1921, pages 250 & 292]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1921, page 82]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21-22, 1922, page 89]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: none listed
Clerk of Session and Post Office: W. J. Lipscomb, Winchester, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 30
Value of Church: 3,500
S. S. Secretary: Miss Pauline Hughes
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1922, pages 209 & 252]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1922, page 95]

Winchester - Elder representative W. I. Lipscomb
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 19020, 1923, page 104]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: J. J. Cobb
Clerk of Session and Post Office: W. I. Lipscomb, Sewanee, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 50
Value of Church: 5,000
S. S. Secretary: Mrs. Lela Singleton
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1923, pages 219 & 262]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4-5, 1923, page 112]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24-25, 1924, page 121]

Name of Church: Winchester
No Report
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1924, page 190]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2-3, 1924, page 131]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23, 1925, page 140]

Name of Church: Winchester
No Report
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1925, page 162]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1, 1925, page 147]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1926, page 155]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: J. T. Barrow
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Mrs. Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Total Number of Members: 32
Value of Church: 4,000
S. S. Secretary: Pauline Cautta
Address: Winchester, Tenn.
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1926, pages 169 & 213]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1926, page 167]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21-22, 1927, page 177]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: N. D. Crawford
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Mrs. Selia [sic] Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Members on Church Roll: 32
Value of Church: 6,000
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: J. M. Templeton, Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 29
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1927, pages 192 & 215]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1927, page 187]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 19-20, 1928, page 195]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: N. D. Crawford
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Members on Church Roll: 45
Value of Church: 8,000
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: J. M. Templeton, Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 30
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1928, pages 34a & 5b]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4, 1928, page 205]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: N. D. Crawford
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Mrs. Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Total No. of Members on Church Roll: 47
Value of Church: 4,000
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: Templeton, J. M., Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 29
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1929, pages 171 & 189]

Winchester - Elder representative D. S. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25-26, 1929, page 217]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3-4, 1929, page 232]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24-25, 1930, page 241]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: J. W. Elder
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Mrs. Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Total No. of Members on Church Roll: 50
Value of Church: 4,000
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: J. M. Templeton, Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 33
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1930, pages 180 & 197]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1930, page 248]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: Jas. W. Elder
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Total No. of Members on Church Roll: 61
Value of Church: 7,500
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: Jeff Smith, Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 33
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1931, pages 164 & 180]

Winchester - Elder representative Floy Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1-2, 1931, page 2]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21-22, 1932, page 4]

Name of Church: Winchester
Minister In Charge: Talmage Hartman
Clerk of Session and Post Office: Leila Singleton, Winchester, Tenn.
Total No. of Members on Church Roll: 55
Value of Church: 3,500
Sunday School Superintendent and Post Office: Jeff Smith, Winchester, Tenn.
Number in Sunday School: 54
Elk Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1932, pages 151 & 165]

Winchester - Elder representative L. N. Austell
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29-30, 1932, page 20]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1933, page 28a]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28-29, 1933, page 39]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Hinshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 19-20, 1934, page 52]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Hinshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4-5, 1934, pages 61-62]

Winchester - Elder representative J. R. Tipps
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25, 1935, page 69]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1935, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23-24, 1936, page 99]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1-2, 1936, page 107]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 29-30, 1937, page 113]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 10, 1937, page 123]

Winchester - Elder representative Mrs. Leila Singleton
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30-October 1, 1937, page 125]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 24, 1938, page 135]

Winchester - Elder representative Mrs. Leila Singleton
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 28-29, 1938, page 140]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1938, page 152]

Winchester - Elder representative F. F. Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20-21, 1939, page 171]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 15, 1939, page 187]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28-29, 1939, page 189]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25-26, 1940, page 195]

Winchester - Elder representative not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, May 27, 1940, page 203]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3-4, 1940, page 205]

Winchester - Elder representative not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 8, 1941, page 215]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24-25, 1941, page 217]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2-3, 1941, page 2]

Winchester - Elder representative Miss Lena M. Austell
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 23-24, 1942, page 231]

Winchester - Elder representative Floid Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1-2, 1942, page 235]

Winchester - Elder representative Miss Lena Austell
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22-23, 1943, page 239]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30-October 1, 1943, page 243]

Winchester - Elder representative F. K. Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1944, page 247]

Winchester - Elder representative Miss Lena Austelle
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28-29, 1944, page 253]

Winchester - Elder representative F. K. Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 19-20, 1945, page 260]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 27-28, 1945, page 5]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd K. Henshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 25-26, 1946, page 7]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1946, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative W. S. Rudder
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 24, 1947, page 9]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 22-23, 1948, page 290]

Winchester - Elder representative E. H. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, page 1]

Winchester - Not represented
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, November 1, 1948, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Hinshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 21, 1949, page 4]

Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Hinshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 25, 1949, page 2]

Winchester - Elder representative James T. Cunningham
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 29, 1949, page 4]

Elk Presbytery met with the Winchester congregation.
Winchester - Elder representative Floyd Hinshaw
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 20, 1950, page 1]

Winchester - Elder representative Frank Gray
[Source: Minutes of the Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1950, page 1]

To Be Continued

Updated May 11, 2012

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