The Committee on Overtures submitted their report which was received and adopted and is as follows (viz)
The Committee on Overtures report that they have received a communication from a recently organized congregation in Waynesboro praying your body to take them under your care, although they have but seven members and two elders yet your committee would recommend that they be taken under your care and that the missionary on the Macedonia Circuit supply them with preaching the ordinance of the gospel.
[Source: Minutes of Richland Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1846, page 181]
Waynesboro Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office:
H. A. Helton, Waynesboro, Tenn.
Pastor: R. S. Walker
Total Membership: 32
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1890, page 232]
The exact date of the organization of the Waynesboro Church is not known. The earliest mention of it is reflected in the October 1846 minutes of the Richland Presbytery p. 181. "The Committee on Overtures report that they have received a communication from a recently organized congregation in Waynesboro praying that your body take them under your care. Although they have but seven members and two elders, yet your committee would recommend that they be taken under your care and that the Missionary on the Macedonia circuit supply them with preaching the ordinances of the Gospel."
Until 1854, the church and the Masonic Lodge occupied a building on Green River just south of the Waynesboro city limits. The cornerstone of the present brick building was dedicated in October of 1854 with the church downstairs and the Masons upstairs. They owned and occupied the building in complete harmony until the church purchased the Mason's interest in 1977.
The present structure is the first building to be constructed of brick and the oldest structure in continuous use in the county. Additions were made to the building in 1946 and 1953 to accommodate the Sunday School needs. The church building was placed on the National Registry of Historical Places in 1987.
[Source: Churches of Columbia Presbytery Booklet]