Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: W. J. Fuqua, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
Total Membership: 28
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1891, page 164]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: W. J. Fuqua, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
Total Membership: 60
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1892, page 174]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: W. J. Fuqua, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
Total Membership: 90
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
Sunday-School Superintendent:
A. W. Oliver, Rogersville, Ala.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1893, pages 176 & 287]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: W. J. Fuqua, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
Total Membership: 83
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
Sunday-School Superintendent:
A. W. Oliver, Rogersville, Ala.
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1894, pages 190 & 308]
No report
from McGready Presbytery
No report
from Rogersville
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: Waddle, A. D., Rogersville, Ala.
Fulks, J. T.
No. Communicates: 179
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
Dedication of Church-Houses
During 1897
Place: Rogersville, Alabama
of Church: Rogersville
Presbytery: McGready
Cost: $600
Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, 1897, pages 142 & 152]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: A. D. Waddle, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
No. Communicates: 75
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1898, page 173]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: A. D. Waddel, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
No. Communicates: 75
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1899, page 67a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: A. D. Waddell, Rogersville, Ala.
J. T. Fulks
No. Communicates: 70
Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1900, pages 86a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: A. D. Waddell, Rogersville, Ala.
In Charge: J. T. Fulks
Total No. of Members: 80
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1901, page 112a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: J. M. Bedingfield, Rogersville, Ala.
In Charge: J. T. Fulks
Total No. of Members: 75
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1902, page 140a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: G. M. Haraway, Rogersville, Ala.
In Charge: J. T. Fulks
Total No. of Members: 50
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1903, page 88a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: G. M. Haraway, Rogersville, Ala.
In Charge: S.
P. McConnell
Total Number of Members: 50
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1904, page 72a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post-Office: G. M. Haraway, Rogersville, Ala.
In Charge: none listed
Total Number of Members:
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1905, page 53a]
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session
and Post Office: J. M. Bedingfield, Rogersville, Ala.
Now In Charge: S. L. Robertson
Total Number of
Members: 69
McGready Presbytery - Synod
of Alabama
[Source: Minutes
of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
1906, page 45a]
On Sunday morning, November 13, at 11 o'clock, Rev. H. M. Guynn began a meeting here in Rogersville in the old Cumberland Presbyterian Church that proved greater in results for the cause of Christ and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church than anything has since the division. For more than fifteen years our church has been out of commission. At a meeting Monday afternoon, November 21, of all the Cumberland Presbyterians in town, Brother Guynn reorganized the church. We elected one new elder and one deacon and received three new members. On the next afternoon we had a joint meeting of Presbyterian and Cumberland Presbyterian sessions and arranged satisfactory plans for services. The Presbyterians offering us the use of the house for services.
The meeting, in every way, was of very finest spirit, and we are co-operating together in our worship in a very effective way. We are arranging to employ a pastor at once for at least one Sunday a month.
Brother Guynn proved himself master of the situation through the lead of the Holy Spirit, preaching some of the strongest sermons ever heard here, and doing some of the best revival work possible. He certainly is a strong evangelist, one who knows how to hold a revival and to build up the church and to get a hold on the people for the Lord. We plan to have him back with us next summer in a big union tent meeting. We had fine co-operation by the Presbyterians and other churches of the town. They all love Brother Guynn and his work as an evangelist and are anxious to have him back for this big union meeting. Rev. J. E. Beckam had charge of the singing and he filled the place to the satisfaction of all. The meeting closed Friday night, November 25, with great interest and with several additions to the church.
J. T. Patton, Elder.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian December 1, 1927, pages 13-14]
Since our last report our pastor, Rev. S. T. Byars, has been installed by the commission apointed by McGready Presbytery. It was a solemn and beautiful service. Rev. J. H. Talley, chairman of the commission, presided. Rev. C. M. Zwingle of Nashville, Tennessee, by request delivered the sermon, after which Brother Talley conducted the installation and Rev. J. B. Armstrong gave the charge, duly installing Rev. S. T. Byars to the fulltime pastorate of the Waddell Memorial Church, McGready Presbytery.
We also have observed "Youth Week," as suggested and outlined in our denominational program, January 26-Februray 2. Sunday, February 2, was given over to our Youth Fellowship to "run" the Church. The eleven o'clock sermon on our denominational birth was the only part of the services of the day reserved by the pastor.
The young people had their quiz on the history and doctrine of our Church, conducted by their sponsor, Mrs. Kelmer Weathers, at their fellowship meeting, and rendered a beautiful and instructive service at the evening worship hour. It was, indeed, a day of inspiration.
Elston Waddell has presented the church with a very fine outside bulletin board, which the church appreciates greatly. This board was dedicated in a short service at the morning service of January 26.
Christmas baskets were delivered to eleven friends. As we write, our pastor is preparing to attend the Rural Life Conference which meets at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Tennessee, February 11-13. We are thankful for our unity, remembering that a divided church never goes forward--Mrs. John R. Waddell, reporter, Rogersville, Alabama.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, March 6, 1947, page 12]
Rogersville, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Rogersville,
Other name: Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville (1943
- 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. May 10, 1909 - July 31, 1909
and November 21, 1927 - April 24, 1946.
Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville. Rogersville, Alabama.
Other name: Rogersville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(since 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. April 26, 1946 - October 19,
Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville. Rogersville, Alabama.
Other name: Rogersville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(since 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. November 9, 1953 - February
16, 1959.
Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville. Rogersville, Alabama.
Other name: Rogersville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(since 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. March 9, 1959 - December 15,
Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville. Rogersville, Alabama.
Other name: Rogersville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(since 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. January 12, 1970 - December
12, 1988.
Rogersville, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Rogersville,
Other name: Waddell Memorial Church of Rogersville (1943
- 1985)
Session Records. Original Volume. January 16, 1989 - December
26, 1999.