Pleasant Ridge

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

7 miles north of Hamilton, Monroe County, Mississippi

Pleasant Ridge Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Clerk of the Session and Post-Office: Thos. Young, Aberdeen, Miss.
Pastor - S. J. Givens
New Hope Presbytery - Synod of Mississippi
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, page 192]


Presbyterial Directory
Pleasant Ridge Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Session Clerk: Mrs. Ruby Cockerham, Route 1, Box 114, Hamilton, Miss. 39746
[Source: Minutes of the New Hope Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 12, 1975, page 7]

Presbyterial Rolls
Pleasant Ridge Cumberland Presbyterian Church listed on the roll of inactive churches.
[Source: Minutes of the New Hope Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 13, 1977, page 6]

Appendix L. - Report of the Committee on Property Identification.
To New Hope Presbytery in session with Woodlawn Church, October 14, 1979.
I have secured the deeds on Cedar Bluff and Pleasant Ridge Churches. The Cedar Bluff was formerly the Pleasant Hill Church said deed is dated July 1869, with a reverting clause.
The deed on Pleasant Ridge Church was recorded in 1957.
Sincerely, Findley Barringer
[Source: Minutes of the New Hope Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 14, 1979, pages 6 & 14-15]


A communicaton was read from the Peugh Royalties, relating to the oil lease of the Pleasant Ridge property, and on motion, the lease will be accepted.
[Source: Minutes of the New Hope Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 28, 1984, page 5]


Report Number Eleven (11) of the Task Force on Restructure
Recommendation #1: ... and the following persons be retained as trustees of Cumberland Church property, west of Cumberland, MS, Hermon Church property, south of Aberdeen, Ms, Pleasant Ridge church property, near Hamilton, MS, and Lynn Creek Church property, west of Brooksville, MS:
     Findley Barringer, Rt. 2, Box 830, Coker, AL 35452
     William Carpenter, Rt. 3, Box 470, Millport, AL 35575
     Joe Studdard, 208 Drake Circle, Columbus, MS 39702
[Source: Minutes of the Grace Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 13, 1989, page 59]

No further mention of this church property after 1989.


Updated May 26, 2009

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