Whereas two
new congregations have been organised within the bounds of this
Presbytery, each in Gibson Co., known as Milan and Beach
Grove and whereas said congregations promise conformity to the
Rules and Regulations of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and
to support the Gospel as God may enable them and being present
by their Representatives H. A. McCrackin from Milan and
W. M. Summons from Beach Grove praying to be received under the
care of this Presbytery. Therefore Resolved that said prayer be
granted and the names of the Representatives enrolled.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1874, page 267]
Elder representative
- J. T. Weatherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 3, 1875, page 281]
Elder representative
- W. R. Burnett
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1875, page 295]
Elder representative
- J. T. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 1, 1876, page 308]
Elder representative
- J. T. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 23, 1876, page 320]
Elder representative
- J. T. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 24, 1877, page 334]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 22, 1877, page 348]
Elder representative
- J. T. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 23, 1878, page 361]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 21, 1878, page 370]
Elder representative
- E. P. McGaughey
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 27, 1879, page 4]
Elder representative
- W. H. H. Bledsoe
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 27, 1880, page 4]
Elder representative
- D. F. C. Rankin
Hopewell Presbytery
permission, Rev. F. P. Flaniken addressed the Presbytery in behalf
of the Church at Milan.
Milan: 24 Communicates.
Your Committee on Church Records report that we have
examined the records of the following churches: Milan.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 25, 1880, pages
4, 8, 12 & 14]
Elder representative
- E. P. McGaughey
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 26, 1881, page 4]
Elder representative
- S. W. Harris
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 24, 1881, page 4]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
opportunity was given for persons wishing to converse with Presbytery
as to an internal call to the ministry, whereupon Bro.
E. P. McGaughey presented himself and after relating his
experience was taken under care of the Presbytery.
funds collected last night were turned over to the mission at
An oral communication
was received as to the church property of Hopewell congregation,
and Elders E. P. McGaughey and W. H. Bobbitt was appointed a committee
to look after and dispose of it and apply the proceeds to the
Milan mission.
[Source: Minutes
of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
March 25, 1882, pages 2, 4 & 5-6]
Elder representative
- J. P. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
was selected as the place for the next meeting of Presbytery.
The dues from Milan congregation for the past year
were donated to that church.
Committee on Missions
report: Milan is moving on with her church house.
number of communicates: 34.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, October 7, 1882, pages 2, 3, 6, 9 & 11]
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met pursuant
to adjournment in Milan, Gibson co. Tenn. on Saturday, March 24,
1883, at 11 o'clock A.M.
Elder representative -
A. A. Davidson
Your committee are pleased to report
Milan, a missionary point under your care, as doing well. She
reports in communion, 35, and as having paid on her church house
$1659.22; Cash on hand, $170.00; Amount yet necessary to complete
the building, $250.00.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 24, 1883, pages 2 & 11]
Elder representative
- J. P. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 13, 1883, page 2]
Elder representative
- J. P. Weatherford
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 22, 1884, pages 2 &
Elder representative
- S. W. Harris
As Cor. Secretary of the Board of
Missions for Hopewell Presbytery, I submit the following as my
second semi-annual report for the current year. Milan, J. D. Lewis,
pastor. H. & F. M. $37.
Treasurer's Report:
Milan, Total in Communion: 35.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, October 11, 1884, page 4, 9-10]
Elder representative
- A. A. Davidson
Hopewell Presbytery
Report: Milan, Rev. J. D. Lewis, 65 members
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 21, 1885, pages 2 &
Elder representative
- J. M. Dixon
Hopewell Presbytery
communication from Milan congregation asking for the installation
of the Rev. J. D. Lewis as their pastor was read. On motion, said
request was granted, and the fifth Sabbath in November was fixed
as the day for the installation service. The Rev. A. E. Cooper
was appointed to preach the installation sermon, and the Revs.
S. O. Wood and T. W. Cannon to give the charge.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 10, 1885, pages 2
& 5]
Elder representative
- J. P. Wetherford
Hopewell Presbytery
from Elders: Milan, Rev. J. D. Lewis, Am't paid Pastor $400.00,
Numb. of members 75
[Source: Minutes
of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
March 27, 1886, pages 3 & 9]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October
9, 1886, page 2]
Elder representative
- John M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
of Corresponding Secretary of the Board of Missions: Milan, Rev.
J. D. Lewis, pastor.
[Source: Minutes
of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
March 26, 1887, pages 2 & 13]
Elder representative
- J. M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
Milan congregation memorialize the Presbytery as follows:
Whereas, The Rev. J. D. Lewis, formerly an ordained
minister of this Presbytery, but now a resident of California,
was regularly installed pastor of the Milan congregation by authority
of the body, and
Whereas, Said J. D. Lewis did,
on last December, tender his resignation as pastor of said Milan
congregation, and
Whereas, Said resignation was
accepted in due form by the session of said congregation;
Therefore, Your petitioners pray your honorable body
to dissolve the former pastoral relation between said Rev. J.
D. Lewis and the Milan Congregation. John M. Dickson, Clk. of
The memorial was granted.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October
5, 1888, pages 3 & 7]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 22, 1889, page 2]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4, 1889, page 2]
Elder representative
- J. M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 21, 1890, page 2]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 3, 1890, page 2]
Elder representative
- John M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 20, 1891, page 2]
Elder representative
- D. C. Caldwell
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1891, page 3]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
for Ministerial services were ratified between the following ministers
and congregations: E. L. McWilliams.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 23, 1892, pages 3 & 9]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 1, 1892, page 2]
Elder representative
- John M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1893, page 2]
Elder representative
- John M. Dickson
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 24, 1894, page 2]
No minutes
for this meeting in archives: October 6, 1894 in Manlyville, Henry
county, Tenn.
Elder representative
- D. C. Caldwell
Hopewell Presbytery - held at
Milan, Tennessee
[Source: Minutes
of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
March 23, 1895, page 4]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 5, 1895, page 3]
Elder representative
- R. E. Goldsby
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 26, 1897, pages 4 &
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 30, 1897, page 5]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
the contract between Rev. J. B. Oakley and Milan Church be ratified,
Brother Oakley giving said church the whole of his time at a salary
of $500 a year and parsonage.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 26, 1898, pages 4 & 16]
No list of
elders included in these minutes.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, September 28, 1898]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
committee has official information that the Rev. J. B. Oakley
and the Milan congregation have made a contract for one year,
beginning January 1, 1899, at a consideration of five hundred
dollars and use of manse.
Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 24, 1899, pages 4, 6, 7 & 17]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 28, 1899, page 4]
No list of
elder representatives in these minutes.
By the
action of the Synod of Tennessee on Presbyterial lines, at its
last meeting, ... That part of Gibson county east of the Mobile
& Ohio railroad, with Antioch, Beech Grove, Bradford, Chapel
Hill, Davidson's Chapel, Double Springs, Dyer, Friendship, Humboldt,
Medina, Milan, Pleasant Green, Pleasant Hill Congregations
... were transferred from the Hopewell Presbytery to this Presbytery.
Milan calls for the ministerial services of Rev. S.
A. Sadler for all of his time at a salary $550.00.
[Source: Minutes of the Obion Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 8, 1900, pages 3 &
Milan not
Obion Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Obion Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 14, 1900, page 5]
By action
of the Synod of Tennessee at Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 2, 1900, on
the change of Presbyterial lines, ... the following congregations
were transferred to the Hopewell Presbytery, viz: ... Antioch,
Gibson, Beech Grove, Bradford, Chapel Hill, Davidson's Chapel,
Double Springs, Friendship, Gibson, Medina, Milan, Pleasant
Green, and Pleasant Hill, Gibson.
Minutes of the Obion Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, March 8, 1901, page 1]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
following congregations have ministerial services as shown below:
Church -- Milan. Minister, Rev. S. A. Saddler.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 22, 1901, pages 4, 5
& 19]
Elder representative
- A. M. Wilson
Hopewell Presbytery
was selected as the place for the Spring meeting and date set
on Friday, 7:30 p.m. before the Fourth Sunday in March, 1902.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October
4, 1901, pages 3 & 5]
Elder representative
- W. C. Caldwell
Hopewell Presbytery - Held at
Milan Tennessee, March 21-24, 1902.
You will please
ratify the following contracts: Rev. F. H. Ford and Milan congregation,
salary $550 and use of Manse.
Elders and Deacons'
Association: A number of the Elders and Deacons of Hopewell Presbytery
met at the C. P. Church in Milan, Tenn., Friday, March 21, 1902,
2:30 p.m., and organized the Elders and Deacons' Association of
Hopewell Presbytery. J. R. Harrison, Vice-President-Milan.
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 21,
1902, pages 2, 4 & 10]
Elder representative
- F. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1902, page 3]
The Hopewell
Presbytery met in called session at Milan, Tenn. March 9, 1903
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 9
and 20-23, 1903, page 12]
Milan not
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 9 and 20-23, 1903, page
Elder representative
- F. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1903, page 2]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 25, 1904, page 5]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 24, 1905, page 2]
Elder representative
- S. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
Milan; Session Clerk: J. R. Harrison; Minister: F. H. Ford
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September
28, 1905, pages 3 & 14]
Elder representative
- J. R. Harrison
Hopewell Presbytery
Milan; Session Clerk: J. R. Harrison; Minister: F. H. Ford
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell
Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 20,
1906, pages 3 & 11]
The representation
of congregations was the same as that of the regular meeting of
Presbytery held in March 1906.
Hopewell Presbytery
- Call Meeting
[Source: Minutes
of the Hopewell Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
June 27, 1906, page 5]
Elder representative
- S. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 2, 1906, page 1]
Elder representative
- S. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 22, 1907, page 3]
Elder representative
- S. J. Moore
Hopewell Presbytery
[Source: Minutes of the Hopewell Presbytery of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 4, 1907, page 3]