Griffin's Chapel

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Houston County, Tennessee

1914 - c1940s

Need Records and Photographs

To the Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church:--
The undersigned respectfully represent that on November 15, 1914 there was organized by the Rev. A. H. Sykes at Griffin's Chapel, a new church adopting the principles of the government of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with a membership of twenty members. Electing the undersigned as Ruling Elders, and N. M. Hudson as Deacon and Mrs. Clara Weaver as Deaconess.
Under and by authority of said church we do hereby apply to be received under your care, and we promise a cheerful compliance on its part as well as our own with all of the rules and obligations enjoined upon particular churches and their officers by the government of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
This September 18, 1915.
A. Tom Weaver,
W. H. Askew,
A. L. Weaver
[Source: Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 21-23, 1915, page 4]

Griffin's Chapel was organized November 15, 1914 by Rev. A. H. Sykes. There were 20 charter members. The first session was made up as follows: Clerk, A. T. Weaver, other elders were W. H. Askew, A. L. Weaver; Deacons: N. M. Hudson, Deaconess, Mrs. Clara Weaver.

Clarksville Presbytery met at Griffin's Chapel in 1920. Elder Delegate reported 19 active members.

Living members are Christine Sykes, Erin, Tenn.; Ethel Hudson Redlin, Tennessee Ridge, Tenn.; Maxie Weaver, son of Fon Weaver, McKinnon; Dudley, W. C. and Leon Patterson; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Summers, members of the Erin Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Walter Brown, who lives on Turkey Creek, has fond memories of Griffin's Chapel. When he was a young man, at the age of 17, he presented himself for membership in this church. His membership remained there until St. John was rebuilt in 1948 and he joined that church.

Date of disabandonment, due to the flooding of Kentucky Lake, of this congregation is unknown at this time.
[Written by Catherine Brown Carter]

The Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met with Griffin's Chapel congregation September 27, 1938, at 11 o'clock a.m.
[Source: Minutes of Clarksville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 27, 1938, page 1]

Updated October 6, 2005

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