
Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee

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Photograph published in 1896. Postcard published in 1902.

This building probably became Grace Presbyterian Church in 1907.

In 1920 Grace Presbyterian Church exchanged buildings with South College Street Christian Church.

Today the above building is Lindsley Church of Christ (3 Lindsley Avenue)


See information below under 1925.

Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1891-1940)

In 1940 merged with First Church and name became Grace-First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Nashville, Oct. 7-- Conversions occur at almost every evening service held by the pastor, Rev. W. T. Rodgers, at Grace Church, and additions are made to the congregation each week.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, October 10, 1895, page 197]

Nashville, Tenn.--Four conversions at the regular services in Grace Church last night.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, November 28, 1895, page 309]

Evangelist R. G. Pearson, D.D., begins a meeting in Grace Church next Sunday.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, November 12, 1896, page 623]

Nashville, Tenn.--The revival at Grace Church closes Thanksgiving Day. Evangelist R. G. Pearson, D.D., has been preaching twice daily since Nov. 15, and at nearly every service to an audience which taxed the large capacity of the church building. The universal verdict is that the evangelist's sermons have probably never been excelled in Nashville for clearness, biblical research, and spiritual power. The pastor, Rev. W. T. Rodgers, whose opportunities for observation have been extensive, and who has heard many of the ablest of present day preachers, expresses it as his opinion that "Dr. Pearson is the greatest Bible preacher in the world to-day." It is impossible at this time (Monday morning) to give an accurate report of the results. There have been twenty-five or more professions, and the church has been greatly blessed.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, November 26, 1896, page 687]

Nashville, Tenn.--Evangelist Rev. R. G. Pearson, D.D., closed a great meeting at Grace Church Thanksgiving Day. It was not great in the number of conversions, but in impressing my people with the beauty and power of the Bible. The members of Grace Church are hungering for God's Holy Word as never before. There is a higher spiritual life and a deeper consecration than we have ever enjoyed before. I sincerely believe that Brother Pearson has no superior and few equals as a Bible preacher. He is a master in the use of the Holy Scriptures. The women of the church say that Mrs. Pearson's Bible readings were very helpful and inspiring. I am sure that these two consecrated servants of Christ have led my people out of the old ruts into greater fields of usefulness. So writes Rev. W. T. Rodgers, pastor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, December 10, 1896, page 749]

Nashville, Tenn.--Within the last five years Grace Church, in South Nashville, was organized by releasing by letter 100 members from the First Church at one time, and others have gone every year since.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 14, 1897, page 922]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.--The annual report of this church shows a membership of 462, with a Sunday school enrollment of 448; other organizations being as follows: Children's Mission Band, 26; Ladies' Aid Society, 28; Woman's Guild, 41; Woman's Missionary Society, 31; Miss Sallie Alexander Missionary Circle of Young Ladies, 35; Endeavor Society, 55; Junior Christian Endeavor Society, 50. The church gave last year for missions $670. The total contributions were $4,990.48. As some hint of how busy Rev. W. T. Rodgers, the pastor, has been during the year, we quote the following from the Nashville American February 5: "During the year 1899 the pastor preached 111 sermons, delivered 20 lectures and addresses, conducted 287 religious services, attended 191 other religious services, conducted 18 funerals, performed 23 marriage ceremonies, baptized 7 infants, received 37 persons into Grace Church, conducted two series of revival meetings, dedicated one church edifice, made an address at the laying of the cornerstone for another new church, delivered two addresses at the International Christian Endeavor Convention, Detroit, Mich., attended the meetings of four church courts, served as chairman of the church extension committee of the Tennessee Synod, served as secretary of the Ministerial Alliance of Nashville, served as a member of the General Assembly's Sunday school committee and made 857 pastoral visits."
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 22, 1900, page 240]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.--A movement, inaugurated by the Ladies' Aid Society, has for its purpose giving the pastor, Rev. W. T. Rodgers, a trip to Europe, with all expenses paid. Mr. Rodgers will attend the Christian Endeavor Convention in London, after which he will spend about a month in England and on the continent.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, April 26, 1900, page 528]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.
Rev. W. T. Rodgers, pastor, leaves Nashville June 21 to be gone until August 25. With his family, who will remain there during his absence, he will go to his old home, Licking, Mo., and spend a week. In company with the Chicago delegation to the International Christian Endeavor Convention, he will go to Boston about July 1, whence Endeavor excursion steamer, "Saale," he will sail on the omcial Christian Endeavor excursion steamer, "Salle," July 3. This is a chartered vessel, on board of when most of the delegates and all of the omcials and American speakers will go to the International Convention, which meets in London July 14-18. Nine parties of travelers abroad will be on board. Mr. Rodgers will be a member or a party numbering less than a hundred and accompanied by two special guides. His party will spend the week before the convention sight-seeing in Scotland. Following the week attending the convention in London, his party will visit Antwerp and Brussels. A week will be spent in Paris, following which the party will return to England and will sail from Liverpool in time for him to reach Nashville august 25. A pleasant incident of his journey is the fact that most of the money therefor was contributed by members of Mr. Rodgers' church. Our readers will be glad to know that he has promised us a weekly letter during his stay abroad. His pulpit will be occupied in his absence by Rev. Ira Landrith, the pastoral work being done by the official members of the church.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, June 21, 1900, page 784]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.
Rev. W. T. Rodgers has tendered his resignation as pastor here with a view to accepting a call to Knoxville, Tenn., April 1. At this writing his resignation has not been acted upon the by the session, and there will be great regret if the session accepts the resignation. Mr. Rodgers has the gratifying record of being the universal first choice of his people after nine years of service as pastor. In its announcement of the resignation of Mr. Rodgers, The Nashville Banner prints a picture of this popular pastor, and says among other things: Mr. Rodgers has been pastor of Grace Church for nine years. During this time the congregation has purchased a lot and erected a beautiful church which is the most modern and well equipped church building in the city. It has a seating capacity of 1,100 when the chapel is thrown open in connection with the auditorium. During his pastorate Mr. Rodgers has received 528 persons into Grace Church, baptized 74 infants, married 83 couples, conducted 121 funeral services, conducted 2,160 religious services, attended 1,513 other religious services, preached 942 sermons, delivered 117 lectures and addresses; has attended 41 church courts and conventions, has dedicated four new churches, has had 468 professions of religion under his ministry and has made 6,507 pastoral visits. Mr. Rodgers is secretary and treasurer of the Nashville Ministers' Alliance, having been elected to this office for nine consecutive terms. He is the president of the Church Extension Association of the Tennessee Synod ; president of the Cumberland Presbyterian Union of Nashville and a member of the General Assembly's permanent Sunday school committee. Mr. Rodgers was born in East Tennessee, near Knoxville, where he lived till he was 6 years old, when his father moved to Missouri with his family. His father and mother are still living on a farm in that State. Mr. Rodgers is a graduate of Lincoln University, of Lincoln, Ill., of Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., and of Union Theological Seminary, of New York City. If the Lebanon Presbytery dissolves the pastoral relationship he will take charge of the Knoxville church on April 1. Mr. Rodgers has had six calls while at Grace Church, but has heretofore always felt that it was his duty to stay. The church has grown from 130 members to 484, and from worshiping in the basement of Claiborne Lodge to now owning church property valued at $30,000. Mr. Rodgers now feels that East Tennessee is a great field for the extension of Cumberland Presbyterianism, and for this reason he offered his resignation. Mr. Rodgers is one of the most popular preachers in the city. His great love for humanity has crowded his church with rich and poor. He has a wonderful influence over young people, and his field has been very great, being in the midst of students from all over the South. He has received many letters from these students after they had returned to their homes thanking him for the great assistance he had been to them while in college.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 24, 1901, page 113]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.
With unanimity and great cordiality the session of this church has extended a call to Rev. W. B. Holmes, of McMinnville, Tenn., to succeed as pastor, April 1, Rev. W. T. Rodgers, who lately resigned to go to Knoxville. Mr. Holmes has accepted the call, his own session reluctantly consenting. He is deservedly popular at McMinnville, and there is general grief in his church there and in the town that he feels it his duty to enter the larger field which Grace Church opens to him. The recently published directory of Grace Church contains the names of 396 resident and 73 non-resident members, a total membership of 469. The contributions of the congregation for all purposes during the year were $4,115.65. This included general offerings as follows: Toward the support of Miss Sallie Alexander as foreign missionary, $470.57; to foreign missions through the Assembly's Board, $31.15; education, $121.70; synodical church extension, $55.95; church erection $18.60; home missions, $34.50; ministerial relief, $21.20; city missions, $81.31; Woman's Missionary Society, $46.21. The Sunday school has an enrollment of 467, Christian Endeavor Society 45, Junior Endeavor Society 50.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 14, 1901, page 208]

Grace Church, Nashville, Tenn.--A Lebanon Presbytery commission installed Rev. W. B. Holmes as pastor Dec. 22, Rev. Ira Landrith presiding and preaching the sermon, and Rev. John A. McKamy delivering the charges in the necessary absence of Rev. James E. Clarke and Rev. Geo. W. Shelton, who had to be in their own pulpits. This church has adopted term eldership.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 2, 1902, page 16]

Name of Church: Grace
Clerk of the Session and Post Office; M. L. Smith, Nashville, Tenn.
Minister Now In Charge: W. B. Holmes
No. of Resident Members: 285
Total Value of Church Property: 25000
Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1906, page 98a]


Some discussion was indulged in relative to appointing a committee to meet with the Official Board of the First Presbyterian Church looking to an arrangement for purchasing the building we now occupy.
[Source: Minutes of the Session of Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, February 1, 1914, page 82]

We, the Committee from the Official Board of Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church propose to buy the Church on the corner of Third Ave. S. and Ash Street, known as the Westminster Church for the sum of Four Thousand ($4000.00) Dollars, payable as follows: $1500.00 cash Jan. 1, 1915, and for the balance five notes for the sum of $500.00 each, payable on or before 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years from Jan. 1, 1915, with interest and lien until paid, interest payable semi-annually.
The First Presbyterian Church to furnish abstract and deed of unencumbered title; and the First Presbyterian Church also agrees to cancel all rent due by Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church up to January 1, 1915, if this agreement is fully carried out and the sale completed.
[Source: Minutes of the Session of Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, September 6, 1914, pages 92-93]

"On motion the canceled notes on our church building were turned over to Bro. Weiler for safe keeping.
[Source: Minutes of the Session of Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, August 21, 1919, page 127]


Meeting called to order by J. W. Stiles, Moderator, who explained the purposes of the meeting, whereupon Elder Sam B. Phillips offered the following Resolution which was unanimously passed:
Whereas, the Trustees of the Southside Church of the Nazarene have offered to purchase the land hereinafter described, with the improvements thereon, from the Trustees of the Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church for a total consideration of Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars, Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars in cash and the balance to be paid in the form of installments of $20.00 each with interest bearing notes secured by a lien on the land, said land being described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of College Street (now called 3rd Avenue South) and Campbell Street (now called Ash Street) running thence Southwardly with College Street, or 3rd Avenue 69 feet and 10 inches; thence at right angles Eastwardly 138 feet and 6 inches to an alley; thence Northwardly with said alley 69 feet and 10 inches to Campbell, now Ash Street; thence at right angles Westwardly 138 feet and 6 inches with Campbell or Ash Street to the beginning, the same being part of Lots Nos. 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Bosworth's Plan recorded in Book No. 11, pages 219 and 220 in the office of the Register for Davidson County, Tennessee, and being the same property conveyed to Westminster Presbyterian Church by J. M. Sinclair and other trustees by deed registered in Book 162, page 620 in the office of the Register for said County, and by said Westminster Presbyterian Church to W. W. Berry and other trustees for the First Presbyterian Church by deed registered in Book 323, page 429 in the office of the Register for said County.
Be it Resolved by the Congregation of the Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church that its Trustees, namely, George W. Cross, W. L. Vincent and L. L. Alexander be and are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary, proper and incidental to the end that the proposition of the said Nazarene Church be accepted and a deed of conveyance be executed and delivered conveying the above described land and the improvements thereon to the Trustees of the Southside Church of the Nazarene, and their successors in trust.
There being no other business the meeting adjourned subject to call.
L. L. Alexander, Clerk of Session
[Source: Minutes of congregation meeting of the Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church held at Grace Cumberland Presbyterian Church, corner of Third Avenue South and Ash Street, in Nashville, Tennessee, July 28, 1940]


The consolidation of Grace and First Churches, which was effected, August 1, 1940, was reported and ratification of same asked. To assist in working out the legal details in this matter, the following committee was appointed: Rev. J. E. Cortner; Elders T. R. Whitus and W. Paul McKinney, the same to report at next meeting of Presbytery.
[Source: Minutes of Lebanon Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 16, 1940, page 1]

Another from Grace-First Church asking that the union of the two congregations (Grace and First) which was consummated in the year of 1940 by the two sessions under the official name of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, be ratified. The request was granted and the union of said churches officially declared.
[Source: Minutes of Lebanon Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, October 5, 1943, page 9]

Updated 17 March 2022

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