
Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Edgefield, Davidson County, Tennessee
Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee

1872 - 1964

Name Changed to Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1964


From "The Cumberland Presbyterian" May 19, 1904, page 635


Former Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Currently the Russell Street Church of Christ located at 819 Russell Street. Picture taken about 2005.


Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Tenth and Russell Streets
This building was formerly the 10th Street Church of Christ.
Nashville, Tennessee

Name of the Congregation: Edgefield
Clerk Of The Session And Post-Office: T. M Hurst, Nashville, Tenn.
Pastor: E. B. Crisman, D.D.
Total Membership 282
Value of Church Property: $10,000
Lebanon Presbytery - Tennessee Synod
[Source: Minutes of the General Assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 1890, page 224]


Nashville, Oct. 7--Rev. R. W. Binkley, pastor of the First Edgefield Church, after having been detained away from his congregation for a long time, by the serious illness of his wife, has been at his post now for some weeks, and his congregation is in excellent condition. Mrs. Binkley's health is rapidly improving.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, October 10, 1895, page 197]


NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Sept. 6 Rev. R. W. Binkley celebrated the sixth anniversary of his pastorate in the First Edgefield Church, this city, using as a text "Come, thou, and go with us and we will do thee good." During these six years the membership of the church has been doubled, lacking four. The congregation is in encouraging condition....All the local pastors who have taken vacations during the summer are again in their pulpits....The Cumberland Presbyterian Union, composed of members of all the eight churches of this city, meets monthly. A membership fee of 1.00 is being collected, the fund to be used in local mission work. It is believed that the fund will reach $1,000 a year.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, September 17, 1896, page 366]


NASHVILLE, Tenn.--Five persons joined the First Edgefield Church Nov. 1. Large audiences are attending. The pastor, Rev. R. W. Binkley, has lately been preaching a series of illustrated sermons, the last being on "The Relation of Time to Eternity," illustrated by three large Scripture paintings. At the West End Church last Sunday Mr. L. L. Rice, of "The Cumberland Presbyterian," was ordained as ruling elder, and Mr. Frank Slemons, formerly an elder in the First Edgefield Church, was made an elder in West End. An interesting meeting of the Cumberland Presbyterian Union of this city was held at the First Edgefield Church Sunday afternoon, Rev. R. W. Binkley, president, presiding. A unique feature of the service was an instructive address on "The Then and the Now of Cumberland Presbyterianism in Nashville," by M. B. DeWitt, D.D. Rev. E. E. Ingram, of Springfield, Tenn., is conducting a meeting at the Watkins Park Church, Rev. J. E. Hall, pastor. The new building of the Second Edgefield congregation, Rev. G. O. Bachman, pastor, will be formally opened next Sunday the opening sermon being preached by M. B. DeWitt, D.D. Evangelist R. G. Pearson, D.D., begins a meeting in Grace Church next Sunday. Six heads of families were received by Pastor I. D. Steele into the membership of the First Church last month. The attendance on the Endeavor Society of this church is very large.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, November 12, 1896, page 623]


Russell Street, Nashville, Tenn.
The Nashville Banner of February 19, contained a picture of Rev. R. W. Binkley, the retiring pastor, saying, among other things: There was general regret in Nashville when it was announced yesterday that Rev. R. W. Binkley had tendered his resignation as pastor of the Russell-street Cumberland Presbyterian Church, to accept a call to McMinnville. For ten and a half years Mr. Binkley has been the popular pastor of the church, which he leaves April 1. During that time he has received into the church's membership more than 350 persons. During his stay in Nashville he has been a laborious worker and an exceedingly faithful pastor, winning all hearts with his sympathetic interest in his people and with his broad philanthropy as a Christian worker. He is gratefully remembered in many homes for his tender helpfulness in seasons of grief and gloom, and many lives have been strengthened by him when the need was sorest.

Among the most popular men in the Nashville pulpit, he has been particularly esteemed for his varied and superior work as a pastor. As has been announced, he leaves this city chiefly because he thinks the higher altitude and environments of McMinnville will be beneficial to his health, which lately has been delicate. He is just now recovering from an illness which at one time was extremely critical. The esteem in which he is held by his own church was indicated at a meeting of the church session last Saturday night, when he tendered his resignation unconditionally, to take place at once. The ruling elders with whom he has so long labored regretfully accepted his resignation, but refused to allow his relations to terminate until he was again able to work. Hence they granted him instead of leave of absence until April 1, or longer if he does not in the meanwhile recover, his salary to continue without interruption or reduction.

Mr. Binkley is the son-in-law of the late S. G. Burney, D.D., LL.D., who was eminent as the Professor of Systematic Theology in the Theological Seminary of Cumberland University. His cultured wife has been an earnest co-worker in his pastorate, and the universal regret which his people express because of Mr. Binkley's resignation, is intensified by the sorrow which Mrs. Binkley's going away occasions in every home where she is known.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, February 28, 1901, page 276]


Russell Street, Nashville, Tenn.--
We are very happy and very busy in our new field. The people have received us cordially. A lot has been purchased three blocks east of our present location on which to erect a new church. It is ideally located in a superb resident section of the city. The cost is $5,250, almost all of which has been subscribed. The church will not be erected until the lot is entirely paid for. The Ladies' Aid Society, with Mrs. S. B. Hogan as president, and Mrs. Theo. King treasurer, started the lot subscription with $350 cash. This, with the Womans Missionary Society--Mrs. S. A. Handly, president, and the Frances Maghee Missionary Society, Mrs. W. A. Skelton, president--speaks of the consecration and zeal of the women of the church. Fifteen members have been received and a board of trustees elected, with W. W. Napier as treasurer, who will have charge of the building funds. Joseph Ezell and Paul DeWitt, two consecrated young men, have been ordained as deacons, Rev. R. W. Binkley, the much-loved former pastor, assisting in the service. It was an affecting and inspiring scene when Mr. DeWitt was consecrated at the altar where his father, the late M. B. Dewitt, D.D., honored and loved by Cumberland Presbyterians everywhere, had ministered. Mr. C. R. Hatch, superintendent of the Sunday school, has inaugurated a very successful Thursday evening teachers' meeting. The very best Sunday school workers are being heard by the teachers. Rev. H. M. Steidley has spoken on "What the Teachers' Meeting Ought to Be and Do;" Rev. J. A. McKamy on "How to Grade a School." Miss Jessie Ferguson is helping solve the problem of the young people in the Sunday school. She is not only a capable editor but a practical and able teacher.--Geo. W. Shelton, Pastor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, September 26, 1901, page 1196]


Russell Street, Nashville, Tenn.--
The new year began with a communion service, in which the pastor was assisted by Dr. Geo. T. Stainback. Eight members were received during the day, making over seventy that have united with this church since May 1. Sunday school attendance was 170. Besides this we have a home department and cradle roll. Dr. Stainback will preach at the First Church January 12 and at Russell Street January 19. His family are among our best workers. Two more notes on our lot will be met this year, leaving one for the next, on payment of which we hope to begin our new building. The following have been made elders: F. M. Hamilton and Prof. P. A. Lyon; deacons, ordained during year, Stewart Kirkpatrick, A. M. Ralston, James A. Ogilvie, Joseph Ezell, Ernest Coles, Paul DeWitt and Dr. W. P. Sims. The Woman's Missionary Society, of which Mrs. M. B. DeWitt is the honored president, made Mrs. Geo. W. Shelton a life member of the Woman's Board at the January meeting. The presentation of the certificate of membership was made by Mrs. W. A. Clendenning, secretary, in a delightful manner. The pastor and his wife were graciously remembered at the Christmas season. The closing year was marked by the banquet given by the officers of the church to the male members. December 31 at 7:30. Three long tables were beautifully decorated by the ladies with flowers, candelabra and handsome center pieces on spotless linen. Oysters, turkey, salads, olives, coffee, ice cream and cake and other tempting edibles were served in course. Dr. J. P. Gray was toast master. Addresses were made by W. J. Wallace, Prof. P. A. Lyon, W. W. Napier, C. R. Hatch, Dr. W. P. Sims, Paul Dewitt, L. R. Freeman, Geo. W. Shelton, John A. McKamy, John H. DeWitt and J. W. Axtell. The Banner, through its own representative, gives almost two columns to the account of this banquet. This will be made an annual affair for the promotion of good fellowship. The unavoidable absence of Rev. Ira Landrith, who was to have made the leading address, was much regretted.--Geo. W. Shelton, Pastor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 16, 1902, page 83]



Corner Stone Laying.

The laying of the corner-stone of the new Russell Street Church building, Nashville, took place the 19th inst. in the presence of a large audience. It was the thirty-first anniversary of the organization of the congregation. The greetings of the local churches in that part of Nashville were expressed in a very felicitous manner by the pastor of the Presbyterian church, who testified to the benefits of churches in any community. Rev. E. E. Ingram brought greetings from the local Cumberland Presbyterian churches. The other local pastors had parts in the exercises. The chief address of the day was made by Rev. E. G. McLean, D.D., of Chattanooga. His theme was, "The Secular Benefits of the Church." Starting with the position that law is impotent without public sentiment, and in any event cannot prevent crime, since it cannot stop its source, he proceeded to show the necessity of churches, where the right sort of sentiment is made, and the sources of crime in the human heart are tapped and drained. The address was full of good things, and highly appreciated. The ceremony connected with the laying of the corner-stone was conducted by the Masons. Rev. G. W. Shelton, the pastor, is a young man of energy and enthusiasm, and expects to see this enterprise carried through to a successful issue. The house will cost about $25,000 when complete, and will be one of the best in the city.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, May 19, 1904, page 635]


Cumberland Presbyterians Unite in Celebrating Two Churches' Progress
Edgefield Members Adopt Plan to Pay Debt; Two Sermons Feature Sunday Program.

Uniting in a "jubilee" service, Cumberland Presbyterian churches of Nashville held a meeting Sunday afternoon at the First church. The occasion was in celebration of clearance of debt from the property of two of the strong churches of the Lebanon Presbytery, Edgefield and Addison avenue.

Under the pastorate of the Rev. B. F. Guinn, the Edgefield church adopted a definite plan for liquidating the church's indebtedness, one feature of which was payment by every member of 10 cents each. The Addison avenue church under the leadership of the Rev. Robert C. Alexander, received several large subscriptions.

The meeting was presided over by the Rev. B. F. Guinn. Special music was rendered by Mrs. N. Hawkins, of the Edgefield church and the united choirs of the First, Addison avenue, and Edgefield churches.

As the voluntary, Chopin's Prelude was rendered by Mrs. S. L. Miller, the pianist of the First church, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," was sung by the audience. The opening prayer was by the Rev. Leon Hooper, the pastor of the Watkin's Park church, and moderator of Lebanon Presbytery. The "Coronation" hymn was sung.

The scripture lesson was read by the Rev. Robert C. Alexander, from Psalms, 95-96. Prayer of thanksgiving was led by the Rev. Mr. Guinn.

Two Deliver Addresses

The addresses of the afternoon were delivered by the Rev. J. W. Dishman, who fills the chair of Bible Study at Bethel College at McKenzie, under endowment of the Woman's Board of Missions; and the Rev. Hugh McCord, former moderator of the general assembly of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and traveling secretary for the budget and tithing.

Speaking on "A Cumberland Presbyterian Jubilee," Mr. Dishman said, in part:

"The jubilee was instituted in Jewish times in recognition to God, when debts were wiped out and a year of rejoicing followed.

"I am happy at the removal of debt from these churches. I helped to organize the Edgefield church, when Dr. Kirkpatrick was its pastor, and Judge John Frizzell its superintendent of Sunday school. I helped organize the church at Watkins park and joined Presbytery at the First church.

"I have no patience in being satisfied with what you do. Yet, our hearts rejoice at the success we have made. Here we can set up the stone."

The united chorus rendered the anthem: "Come and Worship the Lord."

Points to Future Program

Speaking on "The Future Cumberland Presbyterian Church," Mr. McCord said in part:

"We ministers would often do better if we would advise with our elders. The future of the church is wrapped up in today's membership.

"If there is no right vision the church cannot live. Any sect which loses its vision of the Divine program perishes.

"Four features of vision must be if we are to carry on: First, the missionary spirit, living for the future. The Cumberland Presbyterian church must set up the standard of a missionary sentiment. Letting this expression to God show our interest in the missionary movement, we must turn to the widest open fields to do missionary work in the home land. I am depending on you to join with me for the country church.

"An evangelistic vision. Our church was born in a revival. We should burn the old fires until they burn out the sin. We ought to organize the evangelistic effort. Some men are called to do evangelistic work. These ought to be placed on a regular salary.

"The educational vision. Some times we are charged with not being in favor of an educated ministry. We believe in an educated ministry and an educated laity.

"A financial vision. Let us look up into the face of God and say: 'Thy plan of meeting financial problems shall be obeyed.' If we have the proper financial vision the missionary program will be taken care of. It is not because young men and young women are unwilling to go. The evangelistic program will go on. God pity us, who believe in a 'whosoever-will Gospel, and deny them the financial help they must have. God's plans cannot fail, neither his promises."

After the doxology the benediction was said by the Rev. S. A. Sadler, the pastor of the Grandview church.
[Source: Nashville Tennessean, August 11, 1924, page 10]


Revival Begins at Edgefield on Easter Sunday

The annual revival will begin at the Edgefield Church on Sunday, April 17, with a special Easter service conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. Miller Cook. Rev. W. R. Johnson of North Chattanooga, Tenn., will arrive for the Monday evening service and will do the preaching throughout the meeting, which will run through Sunday, May 1. Services will be conducted each evening at 7:30 with two services on Sundays. Rev. Harvey Tallent, pastor of the Oliver Springs congregation, will direct the young people and lead the singing during the revival.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, April 13, 1938, page 16]



The Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church, now located at the corner of Tenth and Russell Streets was organized in the afternoon of May 5, 1872, in the public school building in Edgefield on the north side of Russell Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The use of the school building was tendered by the mayor and aldermen of Edgefield which at that time was a separate city from Nashville.

On Sunday morning of the above date the Rev. J. D. Kirkpatrick, D.D., preached from the text, "Go Work Today in My Vineyard." In the afternoon of the same day, Dr. Baird conducted a service after which the new congregation was officially organized with the following persons becoming charter members: John Frizzell, Mrs. John Frizzell, John E. Gulbert, W. R. Cornelius, Robert McClay, O. H. Hight, Mrs. O. H. Hight, J. M. Bruce, S. B. Hogan, Mrs. Ann Beneke, J. L. Scott, H. C. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Webb and Mrs. Mary Williams.

The services of the Church were held for some time in the public school building and in the Pythian Hall on the second floor of the building on the southeast corner of Fifth and Woodland Streets. In 1873 the Congregation moved into its first building erected at 604 Russell Street under the leadership of its first pastor, The Rev. J. D. Kirkpatrick. Within the course of years the Congregation had outgrown the wooden building on Russell Street and in 1905 moved into a beautiful brick building they had erected at the corner of Ninth and Russell Streets.

The Congregation carried on in this building until about May 1913 when it exchanged said edifice for its present property at Tenth and Russell Streets. The first floor of a new educational building was completed in 1957. The church looks forward to the completion of the educational building and the erection of a new sanctuary in the near future to provide adequate facilities for a thriving congregation.

The following ministers have served the church as pastor since its organization.

J. D. Kirkpatrick, D.D.
M. B. DeWitt, D.D.
R. M. Tinnon, D.D.
E. B. Crisman, D.D.
R. W. Binkley
George Shelton
J. H. Zwingle
B. J. Reagin
W. H. Butler
E. E. Coleman
B. W. Covington
B. F. Guinn
J. Miller Cook
George W. Sparks
Charles R. Matlock, D.D.
E. H. Denman, Jr.

[Source: Year Book and Directory Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church. July, 1959, pages 5-6]


Edgefield church, Nashville, has sold its old property for $40,000 which will enable it to build a larger part of its new plant on which construction is to begin in the near future. The pastor is Rev. David McGregor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, January 8, 1963, page 14]


A ground breaking ceremony for the construction of a new plant by the Edgefield church, Nashville, Tenn., was held Sunday, February 17. The church is erecting its new plant on a 7 1/3 acre location in the Brush Hill area of East Nashville. The new plant will include a sanctuary and fellowship hall. A building already in existence will be used for classrooms. Cost of the new plant will be $175,810 and will require about nine months to build. A new manse will also be erected on the property. Rev. David McGregor is the pastor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, March 5, 1963, page 14]


As the Edgefield church, Nashville, prepares to occupy its new church plant on Brushhill Road in a new area, the session has voted to change the name of the church from "Edgefield" to "Brushhill." In moving, the congregation leaves the Edgefield community where it had gotten its name and is now occupying its new building in the new community. The pastor is Rev. David McGregor.
[Source: The Cumberland Presbyterian, December 10, 1963, page 14]


By motion, permission was granted to Edgefield Cumberland Presbyterian Church to change its name to the Brush Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
[Source: Minutes of Nashville Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, March 31, 1964, page 8]

Session Records Deposited in the Archives

June 28, 1891 - December 27, 1895 (Original Volume)

January 5, 1898 - June 24, 1906 (Original Volume)

May 7, 1925 - November 6, 1928 (Original Volume)

December 4, 1928 - December 12, 1937 (Original Volume)

February 1, 1955 - December 10, 1958 (Original Volume)

May 6, 1941 - May 1951 and January 4, 1960 - December 22, 1963 (Original Looseleaf Volume)

Updated 6 February 2023

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