First Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee

1841 - Present

Tennessee Georgia Presbytery

Southeast Synod

First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
1505 N. Moore Road
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37411

Oak and Lindsay Streets
1886 - 1958


First Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized in Chattanooga on Cypress Street on May 2, 1841. The constituting elders were Hugh McGill and Allan A. Kennedy. The presiding minister was the Reverend William B. Dawson.

On May 6, 1855, a new building was occupied on Chestnut Street where the Mountain City Club now stands. The new building cost $3,000.

During the War Between the States, the congregation was scattered and the building was vacated by the church. Historical records indicate that it was used by both the Federal and Confederate armies; first as a hospital and later as an arsenal. The church resumed activities after the war and in 1868 reported a membership of 30 members.

On May 1, 1887, under the leadership of the Reverend E. J. McCroskey, the church moved and a new building was dedicated at the corner of Oak and Lindsay Streets. The structure was erected at a cost of $20,000. The congregation had grown to almost 200 members.

A notable era for the church began in 1933 when the Reverend J. Fred Johnson, Sr. was called as pastor. He served for 45 years until his retirement in 1978. Under his leadership the church experienced dynamic growth and development.

In September 1955, the church purchased 16 acres on North Moore Road. Two years later, the Women's Club of the congregation purchased an additional 12.48 acres, increasing the area to 28.48 acres. On May 4, 1958, the first phase of a building program on the North Moore Road site was dedicated. The building included a fellowship hall, which served as the worship area, a kitchen, offices and 14 classrooms. On May 7, 1963, the sanctuary and north wing were dedicated.

The building covers more than 50,000 square feet. The sanctuary will seat approximately 1,200 people including the balcony and the north and south transepts. Initial construction cost was $1.1 million.

The church has been a pioneer in two areas beyond the more traditional ministries. The Cumberland Youth Foundation provides a full-time summer program of Christian supervised recreation. It operates in five departments; (1) The tennis program offers recreational tennis, competitive play and instructions, (2) Softball league play, (3) Supervised playground activities for children, (4) Cumberland Day Players which is a summer day camp for elementary school-age children, and (5) a swimming program for pleasure, competition and swimming instruction.

The Child Development Center offers weekday care and training in a Christian atmosphere for approximately 100 preschool-age children.

The Reverend Mr. W. Jean Richardson became pastor January 1, 1991 succeeding Dr. J. Cragi Martindale.



 William B. Dawson

1841 - 1846

Aaron Grigsby

1846 - 1851

Aaron Templeton

1851 - 1855

Hiram Douglas

1855 - 1862

 E. J. Stockard

1867 - 1868

W. N. Motheral

1868 - 1870

John Crisman

1870 - 1871

William D. Chaddick

1871 - 1877

Thomas Toney 

1877 - 1879

William H. Darnall

1880 - 1882

Charles Hyde

1884 - 1885

E. J. McCroskey

1885 - 1887

D. E. Bushnell

1890 - 1894

L. C. Kirkes


B. G. Mitchell

1895 - 1898

S. D. Logan

1898 - 1902

Edwards Gray McLean

1902 - 1906

R. L. Mason

1909 - 1916

R. A. McCulloh

1917 - 1919

George W. Burroughs

1920 - 1922

 William Y. Durrett

1923 - 1924

James Meadows McLeskey

1925 - 1932

J. Fred Johnson, Sr.

1933 - 1978

J. Craig Martindale

1978 - 1989

Fred Woodward (Interum)

1989 - 1991

W. Jean Richardson

1991 - 1997

Steve Byrum (Interum)

1997 - 1999

Dewayne Cole

1999 - 2002

 Lawrence L. Schenk

2002 - present

 George Cliff Hudson
Associate Pastor


[Source: "150 Years of Service 1841-1991: Grand Celebration Event: October 6, 1991]

No Session Records on file with the Historical Foundation.

Updated December 30, 2004

Please Send Additions/Corrections to the Archives